(A)   Minimum monthly charge. The Common Council shall by resolution establish fees.
   (B)   Volume charge. The Common Council shall by resolution establish fees.
   (C)   Billing. Bills for water service are rendered monthly and become due and payable on the first of the month following the period for which service is rendered. A late payment charge of 3% but not less than $0.30 will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance. This late payment charge is applicable to all customers. The utility customer may be given a written notice that the bill is overdue no sooner than 20 days after the bill is issued and unless payment or satisfactory arrangement for payment is made within the next 8 days, service may be disconnected pursuant to Dept. of Commerce-Industry, Labor & Human Relations Code Chapter PSC 185.
   (D)   Combined metering. When a consumers premises has several buildings, each supplied with service and metered separately, the full service charge will be billed for each meter separately and the readings will not be cumulated. If these buildings are all used in the same business and are connected by the consumer, they can be metered in 1 place. If the utility, for its own convenience, installs more than 1 meter, the readings will be cumulated for billing.
   (E)   Private fire-protection serviceunmetered. 
      (1)   This service shall consist of connections for automatic sprinkler systems, standpipes (where same are connected permanently or continuously to the mains), water storage tanks and private hydrant systems. Where a 4-inch or larger connection is made with the main for private fire-protection service, such service line may be tapped with a small size branch line for general service. This small branch shall be metered and the water used therefrom billed at the regular rates but at the service charge applicable to the larger connection. The larger line may be unmetered.
      (2)   The Common Council shall by resolution establish fees.
   (F)   Seasonal, emergency or temporary service. Seasonal customers shall be served at the general service rate (Mg-1) except that each customer served under this rate shall pay an annual seasonal service charge equal to 12 times the applicable minimum bill. Water use in any month in excess of 667 gallons shall be billed at the applicable output schedule in Mg-1 and the charge added to the annual seasonal minimum bill.
   (G)   General water serviceunmetered.
      (1)   Where the utility cannot immediately install its water meter, service may be supplied temporarily on an unmetered basis. The Common Council shall by resolution establish fees.
      (2)   Billing shall be the same as Schedule Mg-1.
(Ord. 477, passed 12-5-84)
   Fees, see Fee Appendix