A.   Petition: Any person or entity desiring to extend the water system of the Town to a project or development, including a subdivision, shall submit a petition to the Town. Said petition shall include a description of the proposed extension, accompanied by maps showing the location of extensions. The petition shall include the applicant's agreement to bear all costs and expenses associated with such extension and the agreement to construct, install and otherwise complete all improvements consistent with minimum standards established by the Town Engineer.
   B.   Request For Reimbursement: Applicants, other than those proposing new subdivisions, may include in their petition a request that the Town enter into an agreement whereby the applicant may receive reimbursement for a portion of the costs of the extension based on subsequent connections to lines or improvements installed by applicant. If granted, all terms and conditions of reimbursement to the applicant shall be incorporated in a separate written contract outlining the time within which reimbursement would be applicable, the amount of reimbursement per subsequent connection and such other terms and conditions as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Town given the particular facts and circumstances surrounding the application. Unless circumstances warrant special consideration, applicants seeking to extend culinary service lines for the development of a subdivision shall not be entitled to reimbursement for subsequent connections to lines installed by applicant. It shall be presumed that the applicant will establish prices for lots within the proposed subdivision to recoup the cost of extending water lines to such subdivision.
   C.   Installation: Once accepted and connected to the Town water system, all lines and improvements installed by the developer shall belong to the Town and shall be deemed a part of the Town culinary water system subject to the Town's rights to regulate its use. No water, other than for testing purposes, shall be turned into the new extension and improvements until all work and improvements have been approved by the Town. The Town, at its discretion, may request certification from a qualified engineer stating that all improvements have been installed consistent with the minimum standards established by the Town engineers and that the improvements otherwise comply with any and all applicable Federal, State or local regulations. (Ord. 09-03, 10-7-2009)
   D.   Warranty: Installation of any water system or improvements by any developer or contractor is required a five (5) year warranty on all lines, apparatus, backfill and road services, to be restored to quality equal to or better than the original state. Before any work is commenced, inspection by a State licensed water system inspector must be approved by the Town Council. (Ord. 09-03, 10-7-2009; amd. 2016 Code)
   E.   Ownership Of Extension: Any extensions of the system shall be deemed the property of the Town whether the cost thereof has been borne by someone other than the Town, with or without required permission. (Ord. 09-03, 10-7-2009)