A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to inter or cause to be interred the corpse of any person in any part of the Town, except within a duly authorized private or public cemetery.
   B.   The location of all blocks, lots and graves in the cemetery shall be shown by maps and by a system of recorded measurements from fixed permanent landmarks.
   C.   No interments will be permitted to be made on any cemetery lots or plots for which certificate of burial rights or appropriate transfers have not been issued, nor which have unpaid charges against them. Interments will not be permitted until payment for burial has been received or payment is arranged by the attending Funeral Director or other responsible party.
   D.   The Sexton and other authorized representatives of the Town shall not be held responsible for errors in the location of graves on lots arising from improper instructions from lot owners. The Town will not assume responsibility for errors in opening graves when orders are given by any means of communication other than in writing. Orders from Funeral Directors shall be construed as orders from owners. When definite information for the location of the gravesite is not available, the Sexton will exercise his/her best judgment in making the location so as not to interfere with the timely conduct of funeral services. Under no circumstances shall the Town assume responsibility for errors in opening graves when definite instructions are not given.
   E.   Interments shall not be permitted on Sundays or holidays, except as ordered by the County or State Health Department, or without special permission of the Governing Body or the Sexton in writing.
   F.   No burial space shall be opened or closed except under the direction and control of the Sexton or such other individual as is designated by the Governing Body. This provision shall not apply to proceedings for the removal and reinterment of bodies and cremains, where such matters are under the supervision of the State or local Health Department or a court of competent jurisdiction.
   G.   There is not a sufficient amount of space for two (2) children to be buried in one plot in the cemetery. The burial of a child requires a single plot. The interment of two (2) bodies in one grave is prohibited, except when there is a simultaneous death and burial of either a mother or father and infant, infant twins or two (2) infants that died at the same time; provided, that this does not involve the burial of two (2) caskets on top of each other, and does not in any manner encroach upon adjacent lots, graves or walkways. Burial requirements are summarized as follows:
      1.   Adult space; burial is restricted to either one body, with the exception where an infant could be buried in the same casket with an adult.
      2.   All burials in the cemetery, excluding the burial of cremains, are to be made in concrete vaults. Cremain vessels may be buried in cremain vaults, but this is optional if the ash receptacle is watertight and decay proof.
   H.   A change of location after a grave has been opened, or after interment, will be made entirely at the expense of the owner or Funeral Director.
   I.   All outer burial vaults over three and one-half feet (31/2') in length shall be classed as adult size. (Ord. 2010-1, 6-15-2010)
   J.   Funeral Directors shall contact the Sexton before establishing the time of a funeral. Vault and grave marker companies shall contact the Sexton or the Mayor to set up a time for delivery. No vault or headstone shall be installed without prior notification.
   K.   No more than two (2) cremains per grave shall be allowed. To minimize damage to the cemetery by mechanized equipment, cremain burials are to be hand dug to a point where at least twenty four inches (24") of soil cover the burial container. Only one memorial in the tribute area of each plot is allowed. (Ord. 2010-1, 6-15-2010; amd. 2016 Code)
   L.   No person shall scatter cremated remains within the cemetery.
   M.   A Funeral Director's presence is not necessary for cremain burial, provided all legal permits and documentation concerning the deceased have been satisfied as per State law and Town cemetery ordinances. However, burial permission and Sexton assistance must be obtained from the Town for any burial of cremains, and will be treated as a regular burial.
   N.   The appropriate certificate of burial rights for the burial space involved, together with the appropriate identification of the person to be buried therein, where necessary, shall be presented to the cemetery Sexton and the Town Clerk prior to interment, who shall determine if the person has the legal right to be buried in the burial space before interment is allowed.
   O.   Where it has been requested to inter someone on a lot that is not the legally recorded owner of burial rights for that lot as evidenced by the Town's official records and a certificate of burial rights, permission from the legally recorded owner, or their heir, must be secured in writing before any burial is authorized. The written authorization from the legal owner or their heir shall be kept as part of the cemetery records.
   P.   All legal burial or transit permits are required as per Utah Code Annotated section 26-2-17, as amended, if the burial is not attended to by a licensed funeral home, or if the body has been transported across State lines.
   Q.   The burial of possessions is not allowed in the cemetery. An exception would be where such item can be placed directly in the casket with the deceased. Pet and animal burials are not allowed.
   R.   Not less than seventy two (72) hours' notice, or three (3) working days in the case of the involvement of a Sunday or holiday, shall be given in advance of any time of any funeral to allow for the preparation and opening of the burial space.
   S.   All gravesites shall be oriented in the traditional east/west direction with the wife being buried to the left of the husband (as viewed while standing on the western end of the plot facing east), and memorials shall be placed on the west end of the site in the tribute area. The main inscription on the gravestone shall preferably face west. No burial shall interfere with any existing adjacent burial, walkway or future burials.
   T.   It shall be understood that, where burial rights are sold to lots that contain trees or other obstacles, there may be burial plots that are unusable. In such case, normal rates for lots without trees will still apply; trees or other obstacles may not be removed and the plots are sold "as is". This shall be noted on the certificate of burial rights. (Ord. 2010-1, 6-15-2010)
   U.   All conventional graves, with the exclusion of cremain burials, shall be opened to a minimum depth of four and one- half feet (41/2') from the surface grade. (Ord. 2010-1, 6-15-2010; amd. 2016 Code)