A.   Permit To Occupy Street With Building Materials: It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy for use any portion of a public street for the erection or repair of any building abutting thereon, without first making application to and receiving from the supervisor of streets a permit authorizing the same. Any such permit may be revoked by the supervisor of streets, at any time, when the holder thereof fails to comply with any rule or regulation under which it is granted, or when, in the opinion of the supervisor of streets, the public good requires such revocation. (1976 Code § 16-4-1)
   B.   Depositing Rubbish On Streets Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person intentionally or carelessly to throw, cast, put into, drop or leave in any street, gutter, sidewalk or public place any ashes, offal, stones, gravel, sand, coal, dirt, manure, garbage, leaves or rubbish of any kind. (1976 Code § 16-4-2)
   C.   Gasoline Pumps Constructed On Streets Or Sidewalks Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or install upon any street in the town, or upon any sidewalk adjacent thereto, any gasoline pump or machine for the vending of inflammable petroleum products, or any underground storage tanks for such gasoline or other inflammable petroleum products. (1976 Code § 16-4-3)
   D.   Obstruction Of Streets Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the town council, to cause any encroachment or obstruction upon any street, alley or sidewalk of this town, which shall hinder the free travel of pedestrians, automobiles or other traffic along said streets or sidewalks or which shall obstruct the view along the same. (1976 Code § 16-4-4; amd. 2016 Code)
   E.   Unlawful To Conduct Business On Street: It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on any business, profession, trade, vocation or avocation on any street or sidewalk, or in or from any automobile, vehicle, stand or structure located in or upon the streets or sidewalks of the town, except upon permission from the town clerk. (1976 Code § 16-4-5; amd. 2016 Code)
   F.   Unlawful To Use Streets For Display Purposes: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any part of the streets or sidewalks within the town for the purpose of displaying any goods, wares or merchandise for sale, or to park any motor vehicle thereon for the purpose of exhibiting or displaying the same for sale, except upon permission of the town clerk. (1976 Code § 16-4-6; amd. 2016 Code)
   G.   Damage To Road Surface Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to damage, deface or mar any asphalt or oil surfaced highway within the town, or to drive or move any vehicle with wheel lugs over or upon said asphalt or oil surfaced highway, or to drag trees or other objects which may pit or gouge the surface of said road. (1976 Code § 16-4-8)
   H.   Flooding Streets Or Sidewalks: It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully, carelessly or negligently flood any street or sidewalk in the town, or to carelessly or negligently permit wastewater or water under his control to escape in such a manner as to injure or flood any street or sidewalk. (1976 Code § 16-4-9)