(A)   Grounds for disciplinary action of county employees, ranging from warnings to immediate discharge, depending upon the seriousness of the offense, shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Dishonesty or falsification of records;
      (2)   Use of alcoholic beverages or drugs which affect job performance, including the consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs during working hours as well as the abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs during non-working hours which, as a result of said abuse, affect the job performance of the employee during actual working hours;
      (3)   Conviction for the possession or sale of controlled substances or narcotics or possession or sale of controlled substances on work premises;
      (4)   Unauthorized use or abuse of county equipment or property;
      (5)   Theft or destruction of county equipment or property;
      (6)   Habitual tardiness, unauthorized or excessive absence or abuse of sick leave;
      (7)   Disregard or repeated violations of safety rules and regulations;
      (8)   Unsatisfactory performance of duties;
      (9)   Disobeying a supervisor;
      (10)   Performing outside work during working hours established by the county;
      (11)   Displaying or distributing campaign material for a political campaign during normal working hours; the placement of any campaign or political material on a county vehicle; or participating in political activities while on the job site or during normal working hours;
      (12)   Carrying firearms, unless part of job duty; or
      (13)   Gambling in or on county premises.
   (B)   The County Judge may place an employee on leave, with or without pay, pending investigation of any alleged activity. Fiscal Court shall be notified no later than the next regular meeting.
(Ord. 21.230-1, passed 7-8-2021)