(A)   Permanent signs, such as billboards, are classified as structures within the meaning of this chapter and require that a permit be obtained prior to erection or construction. (As previously noted, billboards along federal aid highways are subject to state and federal regulation. However, the regulations of this chapter may be more stringent than those of the commonwealth’s Department of Transportation.)
   (B)   No billboards shall be permitted in any residential district.
   (C)   Unless otherwise proscribed in other sections of this chapter, the following maximum dimensions apply to billboards:
Maximum area
400 feet
Maximum height
40 feet, measured from the average grade level at the base of the sign; however, If the average level at the base of the sign is lower than the average grade level of the adjacent highway, then the maximum height shall be 30 feet, measured from the average grade level of the highway
Minimum distance from right-of-way or property line
20 feet
(Ord. 20.920-1, passed 3- -2020)