(A)   The County Judge shall account for all claims against the county.
   (B)   All claims for payment from the county shall be filed in writing with the County Judge.
   (C)   Each claim shall be recorded by date, receipt and purchase order number and presented to the Fiscal Court at its next meeting.
   (D)   Each order of Fiscal Court approving a claim shall designate the budget fund and classification from which the claim will be paid and each warrant shall specify the budget fund and classification. Each order of the Fiscal Court disapproving a claim shall state the reason for the disapproval of the claim.
   (E)   The payroll for county officials and regular county employees, recurring utility expenses and other recurring payments such as interest and principal on bonded debt owed pursuant to approved contracts or other debt instruments are hereby preapproved. Other recurring expenses may be preapproved by the Fiscal Court upon authorization of the state’s Local Finance Officer.
   (F)   The depositor of county funds shall not honor any warrant on the county unless it is signed by two of the following: the County Judge; the County Treasurer; and/or the County Treasurer’s administrative assistant. In the absence of the County Judge, the Deputy County Judge may sign.
   (G)   All offices collecting county or state monies shall remit said funds to the County Treasurer for deposit in an interest drawing account until settlement is made to the commonwealth and county. County fees shall be remitted to the county no later than the tenth day of each month following the month of collection unless a written waiver is given by Fiscal Court.
(Ord. 21.230-1, passed 7-8-2021)