Each county agency shall maintain the following records:
   (A)   A financial statement containing the total amount of appropriations for the agency or department, the amount spent and encumbered by the department or agency during the preceding month, the total amount encumbered during the fiscal year and the amount of the total appropriation which is still available for spending;
   (B)   Within 30 days after the close of each fiscal year, each administrative agency and county department shall make a full report to the County Judge and to the Fiscal Court. The report shall include a financial statement and the general scope of the operation of the agency during the preceding year;
   (C)   Each administrative agency, department and each county office, board commission or other group requesting county budget funds shall submit a detailed annual budget request to the County Judge by February 1 of each year, which shall contain a brief explanation of the need for such funds;
   (D)   Each administrative agency of the county shall keep minutes of its meetings to reflect on record its official actions; and
   (E)   The Judge Executive or Fiscal Court may cause the records and accounts of any administrative agency or county department to be examined at any time.
(Ord. 21.230-1, passed 7-8-2021)