Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Renaming Morris Street to McKee Manor Drive.
(1) Renaming Wall Street (presently United States Highway 421) to Main Street.
(2) Godfrey Street (presently State Route 290 toward Annville and the street up the hill to the McKee Cemetery) to First Street.
(3) Renaming David Street (which is presently State Route 89 from city hall toward Irvine) to Second Street.
(4) Water Street (which is sometimes called Jockey Street) will remain the same.
(5) Renaming Yellow Dog Street to Indian Springs Drive and Cherokee Drive (officially named on September 8, 1980) will remain the same.
(6) Renaming Maple Street (which presently is the one lane street from United States Highway 421 to the McKee Baptist Church) to Third Street.
(7) Bill’s Branch (presently the street from State Route 89 near the mouth of Bill’s Branch Creek to the McKee Elementary School) will remain Bill’s Branch Road.
(8) Renaming Old McKee-Manchest er Road (which presently runs from United States Highway 421 in downtown McKee to the Bond Memorial Park) to High Street.
(9) Renaming Hughes Street (which runs through the CCC Bottom area to the McKee Manor) to CCC Bottom Street.
(10) McCammon Creek Road (which runs from United States Highway 421 at the entrance to Bond Memorial Park to Jackson County landfill) will remain the same.
(11) Naming West Ridgeview (will be the street running from McCammon Creek Road to the junction with Bradshaw Road).
(12) Naming East Ridgeview (will be the street east of West Ridgeview running from McCammon Road to dead end).
(13) Naming Buggy Lane shall be the road running from Main Street (United States Highway 421) 200 feet north of the bridge over Indian Creek and north along Old McKee-Richmond Road a distance of 0.2 of a mile).
(14) Naming Airport Access Road (which runs from State Route 89 at McKee Elementary School to the proposed airport site).
(15) Naming Cox Hollow Road (which runs from United States Highway 421 0.3 mile north of SCL of McKee and up Cox Hollow approximately 0.1 of a mile).
(16) Naming Hemlock Lane (which runs from United States Highway 421 0.1 of a mile north of the SCL of McKee to Wallace Lake home a distance of approximately 0.1 of a mile).
(17) Naming White Pine Lane (which runs from United States Highway 421 0.12 of a mile north of the SCL of McKee to Dwight Bishop’s, a distance of approximately 0.06 of a mile).
(18) Naming Shady Lane (which runs from United States Highway 421 0.15 of a mile north of the SCL of McKee to Belle Lakes, a distance of 0.1 of a mile).
(19) Old School Road (which runs from State Route 290 at the Reformed Church to old block school on hill).