A.   Requirements: If a permit issued by the City authorizes demolition or construction of a new structure, then the applicant shall install a six foot (6') chainlink fence around the perimeter of the structure under construction, around the perimeter of the entire site, or around the perimeter of adjacent structures concurrently under construction, and such installation shall be in a location and manner approved by the Development Department. The fencing shall be installed not more than seven (7) days, nor less than four (4) days before commencement of any work on the subject property, including mass grading and the installation of site utilities, pursuant to any permit issued by the City. Such fencing shall remain in place until a certificate of occupancy is issued for the structure. The location of the perimeter fencing may be changed during the construction period with the approval of the development department. “No Trespassing” signs shall be mounted on the fencing in conspicuous locations around the site.
   B.   Gates Closed, Locked: Any gate in a perimeter fence must be closed at all times, except to allow ingress and egress to and from the site. Such gate must be locked at all times, other than permitted hours of construction, and at any other time when no work is being performed on the site, for example Sunday or holidays.
   C.   Additional Fencing: Fencing, as provided in this section, shall also be required around any activity, whether a building permit is required or not, where construction or landscaping materials are stored or stockpiled.
   D.   Tree Fencing: In addition to perimeter fencing as required in this section, the permit applicant shall cause safety fencing to be installed around every tree in the parkway abutting the subject property. Such tree fencing shall be located, as far as feasible, at the dripline of the tree, whether on public or private property; provided, however, that this subsection shall not be construed or applied to authorize placement of tree fencing on private property not owned by the applicant, unless proper permission for such tree fencing has been secured from the property owner by the applicant. If placement of tree fencing is not feasible at the dripline of the tree, then such fencing shall be installed in a location approved by the Development Department.
   E.   Notification Of Violation; Stop Work Order: When a violation of this section is observed, the permittee, general contractor or property owner shall be notified promptly and shall correct the violation within two (2) hours of receiving notice thereof. If the violation is not corrected, the City shall have the right, but not an obligation, to correct the violation. The costs and fees associated with such corrective action shall be charged to the permittee or property owner, and the City may place a lien on the property to collect such costs. The City shall also have the right to issue an immediate stop work order applicable to the site until compliance is achieved and/or the costs, fees or fines are paid.
(1987 Code § 7-203)