It shall be unlawful to construct or lay any pavement on any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public way, or to repair the same, without first having secured a permit therefor subject to the following:
   A.   Applications: Applications for such permits shall be made to the Director of Public Works;
   B.   Information Required: Application shall state the location of the intended pavement or repair, the extent thereof, and the person or firm who is to do the actual construction work;
   C.   Performance Bond: Application submittal shall be accompanied by an approved performance bond in an amount acceptable to the Director of Public Works. Said bond shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk;
   D.   Certificate Of Insurance: Application submittal shall be accompanied with a Certificate of Insurance naming the City as additionally insured;
   E.   Order For Issuance: No such permit shall be issued except on order of the Director of Public Works.
(1987 Code § 21-2)