A. Examples of non-negotiable purchases that do not require a purchase order and, therefore, may be processed by voucher directly to Accounts Payable, include, but are not limited to:
1. Books
2. Subscriptions
3. Copyrighted Material
4. Membership and Registration fees
5. Travel
6. Interdepartmental Reimbursements
7. Employee Reimbursements
8. Legal Services and Related Litigation Expenses
9. U.S. Post Office
10. Intergovernmental Payments
11. Bank Payments
12. Settlement of Judgements & Claims
13. Utility payments for water, sewer, gas, electricity, telephone and cell phones
14. Refunds
15. Hospital, Medical, Doctor and Dentist Expenses
B. Non-negotiable purchases shall be determined by the Purchasing Department and approved by the Administrative Services and Finance and Audit Committees of the County Board.
(Ord. 7741, passed 7-16-2019)