A. Existing Off-Street Parking Facilities. Parking facilities include access, driveways, aisles, parking spaces, stacking spaces, bicycle parking, loading spaces, and parking structures.
1. Existing uses shall not be required to provide additional parking to meet the Ordinance requirements. The existing parking facilities may not be reduced below the requirements of this Ordinance, without obtaining a variance. If the existing parking facilities do not meet the requirements of this Ordinance, it may not be further reduced, without obtaining a variance.
2. If a building permit was applied for prior to the effective date of this Ordinance the number of off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in the amount required for the issuance of said building permit, regardless of the requirements of this Ordinance.
3. Parking facilities lost due to public roadway widening are not required to be replaced and shall be deemed conforming for the existing use.
4. Existing unpaved parking may remain unpaved.
B. Additions or Expansions. When a use is increased through the addition of a dwelling unit, floor area, seating capacity or other applicable unit of measurement, off-street parking spaces and other parking facilities shall be provided in proportion to that increased intensity. Deficiencies in the number of parking spaces provided for the existing structure shall be allowed to remain.
C. Change in Use. When a structure or land changes to a new use, the new use shall meet the standards for parking facilities as required by this Ordinance.
D. Prohibition on the Use of Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces.
1. All parking spaces required by this Ordinance shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles and bicycles, as required. No temporary or permanent storage of vehicles for sale or hire is permitted. No required parking or loading space may be used for outdoor storage, unless specifically permitted by this Ordinance.
2. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind is permitted in any parking spaces.
3. No space allocated to any off-street loading space may be used to satisfy the requirement for any off-street parking space or access aisle, or portion thereof. Conversely, the area allocated to any off-street parking space may not be used to satisfy the replacement for any off-street loading space or portion thereof.
E. Accessible Parking Requirements. With the exception of single-family and two-family dwellings, all off-street parking facilities shall provide parking spaces for disabled persons. The number of accessible parking spaces is included in the total number of required parking spaces and shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Illinois Accessibility Code, as amended from time to time, and all additional governing codes and applicable laws. Such spaces shall comply with the design standards presented in the Illinois Accessibility Code and identified by a sign and pavement markings indicating parking for the disabled only.
(Ord. O-201410-10-035, passed 10-14-2014; Ord. O-201601-ZBA-006, passed 1-19-2016; Ord. O-201603-ZBA-010, passed 3-17-2016, § 16.2; Ord. O-201803-ZBA-10-08, passed 3-19-2018; Ord. O-201808-10-033, passed 8-21-2018)