§ 10.12.180 AMENDMENTS.
   A.   County Board Action.
      1.   In order to protect, provide and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the motoring public utilizing the County Highways, the County Board may from time to time amend the regulations imposed by this Ordinance and may amend from time to time the Access Management Highway Classification Map. These amendments shall be adopted with the advice of the County Engineer.
      2.   All requests submitted prior to adoption of amendments to this Ordinance, which have not been given a formal written approved permit by the McHenry County Division of Transportation, and all requests submitted after adoption of this Ordinance shall be governed by the provisions of any enacted amendments to this Ordinance.
   B.   Standards for Amendments. Amendments to this Ordinance, shall demonstrate compliance with the following standards:
      1.   The proposed amendment to this Ordinance shall state in particular the article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, and word sought to be amended.
      2.   The proposed amendment shall contain the specific language of the proposed amendment and shall recite the specific reason for such a change.
      3.   The proposed amendment shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of the Ordinance and with its various provisions.
      4.   The proposed amendment shall not be detrimental to the safety, operation, or capacity of a County Highway.
      5.   The proposed amendment shall in no manner limit, restrict, or unduly impede the County in its statutory authority as it relates to County Highways.
(Ord. O-200811-82-068, passed 11-6-2008)