A.   Exotic Animal: No person shall own, or keep in their custody any exotic or crossbred or hybrid exotic animals in any place other than a properly maintained zoological park, circus, scientific or educational institution, research laboratory, veterinary hospital or animal refuge.
   B.   Domestication No Defense: It is no defense to a violation of this Ordinance that the keeper of any animal which is prohibited by this Ordinance has attempted to domesticate such animal.
   C.   Wildlife Domestication: No person shall keep, or permit to be kept, or domesticate any wildlife contrary to Federal, State and local laws, and regulations.
   D.   Indigenous Wildlife: No person shall be permitted to own, harbor or keep in his or her custody any wildlife indigenous to the State of Illinois for the purpose of selling, giving or trading the animal as a pet, irrespective of holding a fur-bearing mammal permit or game breeders permit from the Illinois Department of Conservation. Fur-bearing farms are exempt from this requirement provided that the operation meets the requirement of state and county regulations.
   E.   Wildlife Hybrids: No person shall own or keep in their custody any domestic animal-wildlife hybrid such as coy dogs, wolf dogs, domestic cats bred to wild cats (e.g. Asian leopard cat, Geoffrey's cat, and bobcat) or any other wild canine or feline hybrid, in any place other than a properly maintained zoological park, circus, scientific or educational institution, research laboratory or veterinary hospital.
   F.   Rabies Vaccination of Wildlife: It is unlawful to vaccinate any wildlife or wildlife hybrid against rabies unless the vaccine manufacturer indicates a recommendation for that species. However, this is not construed to prohibit the use of a bait type rabies vaccine restricted for use by state and federal rabies control programs.
(Ord. O-201711-51-031, passed 11-14-2017; Ord. —, passed 3-16-2020)