A.   “Public building” shall mean any building and its grounds, or part thereof, under the charge and control of the McHenry County Board.
   B.   “Public area” shall mean any area of a public building or its grounds ordinarily open to members of the public, such as lobbies, courtyards, auditoriums, meetings rooms, and any other area not specifically leased by any lessee of the public building, and excluding office corridors, restroom facilities, elevators, stairways and parking areas for purposes of authorized distribution of literature or solicitation of funds since such activity in those places would substantially interfere with prompt and efficient County operations and pedestrian traffic, and would pose dangers to public safety.
   C.   “Applicant” shall mean any person or organization who applies for a permit to use a public area within a public building or on its grounds.
   D.   “Permittee” shall mean any person or organization that has been granted a permit to use a public area within a public building or on its grounds.
   E.   “Cultural activities” shall mean those activities pertaining to acquaintance with and taste in fine arts, humanities, and broad aspects of science as distinguished from vocational and technical skills.
   F.   “Educational activities” shall mean those activities pertaining to the action or process of providing or receiving academic, vocational or other instruction related to the improvement of human skills and knowledge.
   G.   “Civic activities” shall mean those activities pertaining to rights and duties of citizens and involving the general public, their activities, needs and understanding in relation to the local government and its citizenry.
   H.   “Commercial activities” shall mean activities undertaken for the primary purpose of obtaining a profit for the benefit of an individual or organization organized for profit, as opposed to activities whose purpose is the expression of ideas or advocacy of causes, whether of a religious, artistic, political, charitable, educational, or cultural nature, where the commercial aspects involved are incidental to the purpose of the activity.
(Ord. O-201112-12-049, App. 1, passed 12-6-2011)