(a)    No person shall drive or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any vehicle used for the transportation of goods or property, the gross weight of which, with load, exceeds five tons, upon the streets within this Municipality except on designated and marked “truck routes”. Drivers of such vehicles whose gross weight, with load, exceeds weight limits prescribed by this section may deliver or pick up goods or property at places not located on the truck route only after obtaining a permit and provided such vehicles are only operated by the shortest way possible between the truck route and the place of delivery or pickup or as otherwise directed by a police officer.
   (b)   Upon application and for good cause, the Mayor may issue a local permit authorizing an applicant to move an oversize or overweight vehicle or combination of vehicles upon local streets.
      (1)   The Mayor may grant a permit for single or round trip, or for such period of time, not to exceed one year, as the Mayor, in his discretion deems advisable, or for the duration of any construction project. The Mayor may limit or prescribe terms or conditions of operation for such vehicle or combination of vehicles by designating the route, hours and speed or such other restrictions as may be necessary for the preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety. The Mayor may require the posting of bond or other security necessary to compensate for any damage to a roadway or road structure.
      (2)   Signs shall be posted indicating “no thru trucks - gross weight five tons” or words of similar import to apprise drivers of the limitations imposed by this section. No driver shall disobey the instructions indicated on any such sign.
      (3)   Violation of any of the limitations, terms or conditions of the permit granted by the Mayor shall be cause for immediate revocation or suspension of such permit, and denial of request for any future permit. Such violation shall also subject the violator to the penalty prescribed by Section 303.99 .
   (c)   The operator of a vehicle exceeding the weight limits set forth in subsection (a) hereof, upon entering the Municipality on a street other than a truck route, shall proceed immediately by the shortest way possible, to the nearest truck route leading in the direction in which such vehicle is proceeding except as otherwise provided in the section.
(Ord. 2522-89. Passed 10-4-89.)