The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
   (a)    Residential Requirements. The following items shall be shown on the preliminary plat of a subdivision intended for residential use:
      (1)    The name by which the proposed subdivision will be recorded. The name shall not duplicate, be the same in spelling or alike in pronunciation with any other recorded subdivision in Trumbull County. Evidence of ownership of the land to be subdivided, together with the name of the subdivider and the surveyor or engineer preparing the plat shall be shown.
      (2)    The location of the subdivision by section numbers, township, county, state and other legally established district, corporation or unit.
      (3)    The name of any abutting property.
      (4)    A map relating the proposed plat to the surrounding area showing existing streets, buildings and structures, watercourses and other features within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
      (5)    The location, width, name and approximate grade of proposed streets, lots, easements, or other rights-of-way indicated as dedicated or undedicated. A typical street cross-section shall be shown indicating the location and width of sidewalks and storm drains and the location and size of utility mains.
      (6)    The lot dimensions and lot numbers, the number of residential buildings and proposed dwelling units.
      (7)    The location, grade, and size of all existing sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures, and for all other items their respective profiles showing size of pipe.
      (8)    The proposed water distribution system showing the location of fire hydrants.
      (9)    The results of the soil survey pertaining to the plat area conducted by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture including soil permeability data.
      (10)    Information with respect to high water elevations in the vicinity of streams and the elevation of the maximum ground water table in cases where it is less than ten feet from ground surface.
      (11)    The contour and topographic conditions as follows:
Where the land slope is greater than fifteen percent (15%), contours must be shown at four foot intervals. Where the land slope is between two percent (2%) and fifteen percent (15%) contours must be shown at two foot intervals.
Where the land slope is less than two percent (2%), contours must be shown at one foot intervals. Elevations shall be based on sea-level datum as determined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
      (12)    The zoning classification use, height and area requirements, sideyard and minimum setback building lines.
      (13)    A typewritten statement with respect to the proposed use of lots, stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards, increase in school enrollment, or congestion of population and with respect to protective covenants and deed restrictions.
      (14)    Proposed sites that are to be dedicated or reserved for parks, playgrounds, schools or other public uses or open spaces.
      (15)   The north point, and graphic scale shall be one inch equals 100 feet, unless a larger scale is requested by the Planning Commission.
      (16)   A street tree or other planted area plan, if provided by the developer.
      (17)   If any zoning changes are contemplated by the subdivider, the proposed zoning shall be outlined. (Ord. 2744-97. Passed 7-16-97.)
   (b)   Commercial and Industrial Requirements. The following items shall be shown on a preliminary plat of a subdivision intended for commercial or industrial use:
      (1)   All of the items required under subsection (a) hereof.
      (2)   A statement indicating the number of buildings and the type of operation proposed in each building and the premises.
      (3)   The location, width and approximate grade of proposed alleys and pedestrian walks.
         (Ord. 2744-97. Passed 7-16-97.)