(a) Loading and unloading off-street facilities and standing space shall be provided for all business and commercial enterprises hereafter erected or altered for such use. The entire area of such facility shall be located to the rear of the setback building line scheme that is applicable or has been established for the street or road on which it is located. The loading and unloading area shall be of such size as to accommodate any truck or vehicle of a size generally serving the business or enterprise.
(b) At least one off-street loading and unloading facility shall be provided each use or building devoted to any business or commercial enterprise having a building floor space or use space of 15,000 to 25,000 square feet. One additional facility shall be added for each additional 20,000 square feet of building floor space or use space or fraction thereof; the off-street loading and unloading facilities shall be maintained as long as the building or use is maintained.
(c) Detailed plot plans of off-street parking and/or loading and unloading facilities shall be submitted for approval by the Zoning Inspector before an application for a building permit is approved. Such plot plans shall show the number of parking spaces and/or loading and unloading facilities and locations, dimensions, and description set forth in the several sections of this Zoning Ordinance. (Ord. 2679-94. Passed 7-20-94.)