(a)   The Planning Commission will, before granting a conditional zoning certificate, schedule a public hearing, the date and time of which shall be established by the Planning Commission and shall cause all property owners and residents within 500 feet of the well-head to be notified of such hearing, in writing, all by regular mail and notice shall be given of such hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in McDonald Village. The notice must carry a map showing the specific location of the well. The public hearing must occur not less than three weeks prior to the commencement of drilling. It shall be sufficient notice to all of the residents of any one residential unit to address notice to "Resident or Residents" at the mailing address of the residential unit.
   (b)   In addition thereto, the developer shall notify the Building/Zoning Inspector forty-eight hours prior to actual drilling.
   (c)   Compliance with the hearing provisions of this chapter shall be mandatory conditions precedent to the commencement of drilling under the permit.
   (d)   Drilling shall not commence until fifteen days after the granting of conditional use permit to allow time for the Building/Zoning Inspector to inspect the area.
(Ord. 2688-94. Passed 10-19-94.)