4-301   Definitions
4-302   Adoption of Electrical Code by reference
4-303   Additional provisions
4-304   Building Official; authority
4-305   Electrical Inspector; appointment
4-306   Same; duties
4-307   Same; powers
4-308   Same; right of entry
4-309   Clarification; modification
4-310   Electrical permit required; application; approval
4-311   Same; application information required
4-312   Same; plans and specifications
4-313   Same; fees
4-314   Same; posting
4-315   Request for inspection
4-316   Inspection; concealment of prior work
4-317   Inspection fee
4-318   Certificate of approval
4-319   Connection to installations
4-320   Reinspection
4-321   Condemnation; appeal
4-322   Interference by unauthorized person
4-323   Electrician or electrical contractors defined
4-324   Electrician’s or electrical contractor’s license required; electrical permits; unlawful acts
4-325   Same; application; granting
4-326   Same; license fees; conditions; renewal; unlawful acts
4-327   Electrician’s or electrical contractor’s bond required; conditions; approval; rights reserved
4-328   Insurance
4-329   License suspension; revocation; appeal; unlawful acts
4-330   Work by property owners
4-331   Approved materials
4-332   Liability
4-333   Severability