(A)   All monies collected under this section will be deposited in to the Police Activity Fees Fund. Monies in the Police Activity Fees Fund shall be budgeted, appropriated as other town monies, but may only be budgeted, appropriated and expended for purposes which, in the determination of the Chief of Police and the Town Council, are reasonably related to training, vehicle crash prevention, supplies, police equipment or to subsidize the general operating budget of the Town Police Department.
   (B)   The following reasonable fees are established, to be paid by the requesting party, not later than the time of delivery of each of these services or each of these documents described.
      (1)   Each page of any document which is a public record under I.C. 5-14-3-2 which is not exempted from disclosure shall be charged at the rate of $0.10 per page in excess of ten pages with the first ten pages to be at no charge.
      (2)   (a)   Whenever any person requests a copy of any vehicle crash report, a fee of $5 shall be charged for each report furnished by the Department; however, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Department from accepting additional monies for each report furnished by an independent contractor of the Police Department.
         (b)   All the fees collected shall be deposited in the manner provided by law.
      (3)   Whenever any person requests a copy of a disclosable police case report/incident report, or supplemental report thereof, the following fee schedule shall apply.
         (a)   Victim of domestic violence, when the report is in regards to the abusive act: no fee.
         (b)   All other persons, not listed in division (B)(3)(a) above, shall be charged a fee of $5.
      (4)   Pursuant to I.C. 35-47-2-3(b), the following fee schedule shall apply for the preparation of an application for handgun license.
         (a)   From a person applying for a four-year handgun license, a $10 application fee, $5 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (b)   From a person applying for a lifetime handgun license who does not currently possess a valid state handgun license, a $50 application fee, $30 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (c)   From a person applying for a lifetime license who currently possesses a valid state handgun license, a $40 application fee, $30 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (d)   From a person applying for a four-year hunting and target license, a $10 application fee, $5 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (e)   From a person applying for a lifetime hunting and target license who does not currently possess a valid state hunting and target license, a $50 application fee, $30 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (f)   From a person applying for a lifetime hunting and target license who currently possesses a valid state hunting and target license, a $40 application fee, $30 of which shall be refunded if the license is not issued.
         (g)   From a person that is a firearms dealer, retired police officer or a retired corrections officer, the fees shall be exempt.
      (5)   Whenever any person, not residing within the corporate limits of the town, requests to be fingerprinted, a fee of $10 shall be charged for each fingerprint card required. The person making the request shall provide, at his or her expense, the fingerprint card needed to fulfill the request.
      (6)   Whenever any person, not residing within the corporate limits of the town, requesting a vehicle identification number (VIN) inspection pursuant to I.C. 9-17-2-12, shall be charged an inspection fee not exceeding the fee listed in I.C. 9-24-4-2 or $5, whichever is less.
      (7)   Whenever any person, not residing within the corporate limits of the town, requesting a hull identification number (HIN) inspection shall be charged an inspection fee of $5.
      (8)   Whenever any person requests a copy of a disclosable video recording, in the possession of the Town Police Department, the following reasonable fee schedule shall apply.
         (a)   Those video recordings that are reproduced by the Town Police Department shall have a fee of $10 per reproduction.
         (b)   Those video recordings requiring reproduction by an outside resource/vendor shall have a fee of $2, plus the cost of the outside resource/vendor, per reproduction.
      (9)   Whenever any person requests a copy of a disclosable audio recording or compact disc (CD), in the possession of the Town Police Department, the following reasonable fee schedule shall apply.
         (a)   Those audio recordings that are reproduced by the Town Police Department shall have a fee of $10 per reproduction.
         (b)   Those audio recordings requiring reproduction by an outside resource/vendor shall have a fee of $2, plus the cost of the outside resource/vendor, per reproduction.
      (10)   Whenever any person requests copy(ies) of a disclosable picture(s), in the possession of the Town Police Department, the following reasonable fee schedule shall apply.
         (a)   The digital still photographs that are stored by the Town Police Department shall have a fee of $10 per reproduction.
         (b)   Those digital still photographs requiring reproduction by an outside resource/vendor shall have a fee of $2, plus the cost of the outside resource/vendor, per reproduction.
      (11)   Whenever any person requests a limited criminal history, in accordance with I.C. 10-13-3-27, it shall have a fee of $3 per check.
      (12)   If an individual wishes to have any records certified by the Town Clerk-Treasurer, or any employee of the town, there shall be a $5 charge for the certification in addition to the charges, if any, set forth in the above divisions.
   (C)   The fees outlined in this section shall be subject to annual review by the Town Council, and may be amended or changed by resolution with a schedule of the fees and charges to be newly reproduced and displayed within the offices of the Town Police Department and the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
(Ord. 071409, passed 7-14-2009)