§ 154.080  PUBLIC ART.
   The town encourages the incorporation of public art in all development and projects. Public art should aim to have the highest aesthetic standards by enabling artists to create original and sustainable artwork, with attention to design, materials, construction, and location. The following criteria should describe the public art sought by the town.
   (A)   Public art shall be in keeping with the best practices in maintenance and conservation.
   (B)   Public art should generate visual interest by creating focal points, meeting places and landmarks that will enhance the town's image.
   (C)   Public art should enliven and enhance the unique quality of sense of place, within the development or community.
   (D)   Public art should foster common currency for social and economic exchange between residents and attract visitors by ensuring that they have access to visual 'clues' that will help them navigate and embrace a potentially unfamiliar environment.
   (E)   Public art is expected to be integrated into the overall design of the larger civic context in which it is placed.
   (F)   Public art should illuminate the character, community, geography, history and environment found in the town.
   (G)   Public art in privately owned developments should be fully integrated into the development's design, in the most accessible and visible locations.
   (H)   Artwork in retail streets and developments will need to be reviewed in relation to signage and store frontage to make sure it will not impact the visibility or access to the business.
   (I)   Attention should be paid to how the artwork will appear amidst mature landscaping.
   (J)   Special care should be made to avoid locations where public art may be damaged, such as in the portion of right-of-way dominated by vehicles.
   (K)   All public art to be erected shall be approved by the Town Council.
(Ord. 111020, passed 12-8-2020)