For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANTENNA. Any communications equipment that transmits or receives electromagnetic radio signals used in the provision of wireless communications service.
   BASE STATION. A station located at a specific site that is authorized to communicate with mobile stations. The term includes all radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial cables, power supplies, and other electronics associated with a station.
   COLLOCATION. The placement or installation of wireless facilities on existing structures that include a wireless facility or a wireless support structure, including water towers and other buildings or structures. The term includes the placement, replacement, or modification of wireless facilities within an approved equipment compound.
   ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION TOWER. A structure that physically supports high voltage overhead power lines. The term does not include a utility pole.
   EQUIPMENT COMPOUND. The area that: (1) surrounds or is near the base of a wireless support structure; and (2) encloses wireless facilities.
   PERMIT AUTHORITY. The staff of the Town of McCordsville and the applicable Board of Zoning Appeals within the jurisdiction of the town.
   SMALL CELL FACILITY. A personal wireless service facility as defined by the Act or a wireless service facility that satisfies the following requirements: (1) each antenna, including exposed elements, has a volume of three cubic feet or less; (2) all antennas, including exposed elements, have a total volume of six cubic feet or less; and (3) the primary equipment enclosure located with the facility has a volume of 40 cubic feet or less.
   SMALL CELL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION PLAN. A written plan for construction, provided by a qualified and licensed professional engineer that demonstrates the aesthetics of the wireless support structure is substantially similar to the town's street lights; includes the total height and width of the wireless facility and wireless support structure, including cross section and elevation, footing, foundation, and wind speed details; a structural analysis indicating capacity for future and existing antennas, including a geotechnical report and calculations for the foundations capacity; the identity and qualifications of each person directly responsible for the design and construction; and documentation that shows the proposed locations of the wireless facility and wireless support structure and all easements and existing structures within 200 feet of such wireless facility or wireless support structure.
   SMALL CELL NETWORK. A collection of interrelated small cell facilities designed to deliver wireless service.
   STREET LIGHT. A structure that is installed for the sole purpose of providing illumination within the right-of-way. This structure is not considered a utility for the purpose of the Underground and Buried Utilities District Ordinance.
   SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION OF A WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE. The mounting of a wireless facility on a wireless support structure in a manner that: (1) increases the height of the wireless support structure by the greater of: (a) 10% of the original height of the wireless support structure; or (b) 20 feet; (2) adds an appurtenance to the wireless support structure that protrudes horizontally from the wireless support structure more than the greater of: (a) 20 feet; or (b) the width of the wireless support structure at the location of the appurtenance; or (3) increases the square footage of the equipment compound in which the wireless facility is located by more than 2,500 square feet. The term SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION does not include the following: (1) increasing the height of a wireless support structure to avoid interfering with an existing antenna; (2) increasing the diameter or area of a wireless support structure to: (a) shelter an antenna from inclement weather; or (b) connect an antenna to the wireless support structure by cable.
   TRAFFIC SIGNAL. A device, including its support structure or set of support structures that is that is solely used to control traffic at road junctions, intersections, and crosswalks. This structure is not considered a utility for the purpose of the Underground and Buried Utilities District Ordinance.
   UTILITY POLE. A structure that is: (1) owned or operated by: (a) a public utility; (b) a communications service provider; (c) a municipality; (d) an electric membership corporation; or (e) a rural electric cooperative; and (2) designed and used to: (a) carry lines, cables, or wires for telephone, cable television, or electricity; or (b) provide lighting.
   WIRELESS FACILITY. The set of equipment and network components necessary to provide wireless communications service. The term does not include a wireless support structure.
   WIRELESS SUPPORT STRUCTURE. A freestanding structure designed to support wireless facilities. The term does not include a utility pole or an electrical transmission tower.
(Ord. 042817, passed 4-28-2017)