(A)   Any and all petitioners requesting a hearing before the Town Division of the County Area Wide Board of Zoning Appeals shall post on the affected property in a manner so as to achieve maximum visibility to the general public, a temporary sign which shall notify the general public of the date, time, location and subject matter of the hearing. The sign shall be posted no later than ten days prior to the date of hearing.
   (B)   The Town Manager’s office shall provide to each petitioner a sign sufficient to meet the requirements of division (A) above.
   (C)   Simultaneous with the distribution of the temporary notice sign as described above by the Town Manager, the petitioner shall deposit with the Town Clerk-Treasurer a $100 refundable deposit to ensure the temporary sign is returned to the town in the same condition in which it is provided to each petitioner, which deposit shall be refunded to the petitioner within ten business days of the return of the temporary notice sign, in good condition, to the office of the Town Manager.
(Ord. 031307, passed 3-13-2007)