(A)   Purpose and intent.  The purpose of these sight visibility standards is to contribute to a safe vehicular and pedestrian transportation system by ensuring clear visibilities at street intersections and the vehicle entrances to properties.
   (B)   Sight visibility triangle requirement.  All properties shall maintain an area, otherwise referred to as the "sight visibility triangle," at every intersection of an adjoining street with other streets and entrance drives. The sight visibility triangle shall be free of structures, vegetation (including crops), signs (other than street signs), and other opaque or partially opaque objects between a height of 2-1/2 and 12 feet measured from the nearest top-of-curb, or edge of pavement where curbs are not present.
   (C)   Sight visibility triangle dimensions. The sight visibility triangle shall be established by connecting points located along the intersecting rights-of-way (or edge of pavement in the case of entrances). The dimensions of the triangle vary depending on criteria such as design speed.  Refer to the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) latest edition, for intersection sight distance.
(Ord. 121410, passed 1-11-2011)