(A)   Purpose and intent.  The purpose of these loading requirements is to provide minimum standards for the loading and unloading of materials at commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities, with the exception of such facilities which are located in any Town Center District or other mixed-use district. These requirements are intended to prevent loading and unloading from occurring on a public street or in other locations that would present a danger to persons or property.  Commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities located within a Town Center District or other mixed-use district shall be exempt from the standards and regulations of this section.
   (B)   Loading birth requirement. Adequate off-street loading berths and areas shall be provided for any building or structure which requires the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by trucks or similar vehicles. Off-street loading berths may be provided either within or outside of structures on the property.
   (C)   Location.  All required off-street loading berths shall be located on the same lot as the use to be served. They shall be designed so that no portion of a loading/unloading vehicle projects into a street, alley, or other public rights-of-way. No loading space may be located in any front yard or any required buffer yard.  Shared truck courts between adjacent properties shall be permitted.
   (D)   Design and construction.  All off-street loading berths shall meet the following design and construction requirements:
      (1)   Size requirements.  All interior and exterior off-street loading berths for over-the-road tractor-trailers shall be a minimum of 13 feet in width and 140 feet in length including the apron. For local pick-up and delivery trucks, off-street loading berths shall be at least 12 feet in width and 60 feet in length including the apron.
      (2)   Vertical clearance.  All loading spaces shall be provided with a vertical clearance of not less than 15 feet.
      (3)   Driving aisle requirements.  All loading berths shall be accessed by a driving aisle that is a minimum of 24 feet in width for two-way traffic or 13 feet in width for one-way traffic at all points between the accessed public street and the loading berth.
      (4)   Surfacing requirements.  All off-street loading berths shall be paved with concrete, asphalt or other appropriate material meeting the durability requirements of the Town Engineer, or his or her designee.
   (E)   Access.  Each required off-street loading berth shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner that will not interfere with traffic movements. There shall be no maneuvering within any existing or planned public right-of-way. In no case shall a loading berth be located in such a manner as to require loading/unloading vehicles to back into an existing or planned public right-of-way or overhang adjacent property.
   (F)   Space allowed.  Space provided for use as any off-street loading berth shall not be used to satisfy any off-street parking space requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 121410, passed 1-11-2011)