(A)   It is important to the maintenance of accurate records that each asset category be precisely defined, and that all persons responsible for records maintenance be fully aware of the categorization system.
   (B)   This section further clarifies the asset definitions by major category.
      (1)   Land. Land is defined as specified land, lots, parcels or acreage, including rights-of-way owned by the town, its various departments, boards or authorities, regardless of the method or date of acquisition. Easements will not be included as the town does not own them, but as an interest in land owned by another (i.e., property owner) that entitles its holder to a specified limited use.
      (2)   Improvements other than buildings. Examples of town assets in this category are walks, parking areas and drives, fencing, retaining walls, pools, fountains, planters, underground sprinkler systems and other similar items. Examples of town utilities assets in this category are water supply mains, collection sewers, wells, dams, fences, intake pipes, manholes and fire hydrants.
      (3)   Buildings.
         (a)   All structures designed and erected to house equipment services or functions are included. This includes systems, services and fixtures within the buildings, and attachments, such as porches, stairs, fire escapes, canopies, areaways, lighting fixtures, flagpoles and all other units that serve the building.
         (b)   Plumbing systems, lighting systems, heating, cooling, ventilating and air handling systems, alarm systems, sound systems, surveillance systems, passenger and freight elevators, escalators, built-in casework, walk-in coolers and freezers, fixed shelving and other fixed equipment are included with the building, if owned.
         (b)   Communication antennas and/or towers are not included as buildings. These are parts of the equipment units that they serve.
      (4)   Equipment. Equipment includes all other types of physical property within the scope of the fixed asset management system not previously classified. Included within this category are office mechanical equipment, office furniture, appliances, furnishings, machinery items, maintenance equipment, communication equipment, police, fire, sanitation and park department, laboratory equipment, vehicles, road equipment, aircraft, emergency equipment, earth moving equipment, text equipment, civil defense equipment and data processing equipment. All supplies are excluded.
      (5)   Infrastructure.
         (a)   Infrastructure assets are long-lived capital assets that normally can be preserved for a significantly greater number of years than most capital and that are normally stationary in nature. Examples include roads, streetlights, traffic signals, drainage systems and water systems. Infrastructure assets do not include buildings, drives, parking lots or any other examples given above that are incidental to property or access to the property above.
         (b)   Additions and improvements to infrastructure, which increase the capacity or efficiency of the asset, will be capitalized. Maintenance/repairs will be considered as necessary to maintain the existing asset, and therefore not capitalized. For example, patching, resurfacing, snow removal and the like, are considered maintenance activities, and will be expensed. Also, normal department operating activities, such as feasibility studies and preliminary engineering and design, will be expensed and not capitalized as an element of the infrastructure asset.
         (c)   Alleys will not be included as part of infrastructure for the following reason: existing improved alleys will be maintained as gravel alleys, and the town is responsible only for the maintenance, such as patching and repairing. Any investments to upgrade the alleys will be done by homeowner participation. Therefore, the town will not track and value alleys, and the patching/repairs will be expensed as they occur.
         (d)   The retroactive reporting requirements for infrastructure of GASB 34 requires the town to report items put into service from 1980 forward, and gives the town the option to report items put into service prior to 1980. The town will report only on items put into service after 1980. Retroactive reporting is not mandated until fiscal years beginning after January 1, 2006 which the town will comply with.
         (e)   At the network level, the asset will be classified as major if the cost of the network item is at least 10% of the cost of all capital assets in fiscal year 1999. A network will be defined as a group of similar assets that serve a particular function or purpose for the town.
         (f)   At the subsystem level, the asset will be classified as major if the cost of the subsystem item is at least 5% of the cost of all capital assets in fiscal year 1999. A subsystem will be defined as a segment of a network of assets that serve a similar function for the town.
(Ord. 020905, passed 2-9-2005)