(A)   Establishing police reserve units and other matters pertaining thereto.
      (1)   Police reserves unit established; ratification of prior actions. There is hereby established, pursuant to I.C. 36-8-3-20, a police reserve unit under the office of the Town Marshal. Police reserve officers shall be volunteers, and shall be known as reserve deputy marshals. The number of reserve deputy marshals shall not exceed ten. Pursuant to the powers of the Town Council under I.C. 36-1-4-16, all actions heretofore taken by any officer of the town in establishing or administering a police reserve unit, and all actions taken by any member of the unit, are hereby fully ratified, validated and legalized.
      (2)   Reserve deputy marshal; status; direction. Reserve deputy marshals shall not be considered full/part-time deputy marshals, but shall have all police powers of full/part-time deputy marshals, except as otherwise limited by division (A)(3) below. Reserve deputy marshals shall at all times be under the direction of the Town Marshal and members of the Town Council, and shall be subordinate to and under the command of the Town Marshal and the Town Council, any full/part-time deputy marshal or any other regular law enforcement officer performing law enforcement functions within the town.
      (3)   Reserve deputy marshals, rules and procedures. The Town Marshal shall be empowered to propose rules and regulations for the administration and conduct of the police reserve unit and reserve deputy marshals, including specification and/or limitation or their powers and duties, and assignment of individual duties, subject to approval by the Town Council. The Town Marshal may also prescribe training requirements and a reasonable probationary period to be fulfilled before a person is appointed to full membership in the police reserves unit; however, the following limitation applies: no reserve deputy marshal shall exercise any law enforcement powers, nor wear a police badge or uniform until having been duly sworn as a law enforcement officer by the Town Marshal, Clerk-Treasurer or other official empowered to administer official oaths.
      (4)   Compensation of reserve deputy marshals; limitation. The Town Marshal is authorized to and shall submit to the Town Council, from time to time, his or her proposal as to the manner of compensation, if any at all, for reserve deputy marshals, which shall be subject to Town Council approval; however, the Town Council shall in no event approve any form of compensation other than that authorized by I.C. 36-8-3-20(f). Each reserve deputy marshal shall be provided an approved uniform, which shall remain town property and must be returned to the town upon termination. It is expressly understood that each reserve deputy marshal serves at the pleasure of the Town Council and may be terminated at any time for any reason by the Town Council.
   (B)   Police reserve unit clothing and equipment allowance.
      (1)   The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the sum of $250 per year to each reserve officer on his or her anniversary date, and on that date each year thereafter, upon certification from the Town Marshal that the reserve officer was in good standing on the anniversary date.
      (2)   The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to submit claim forms for Town Council approval for the payment of the aforementioned sums from the budget line item deemed appropriate by the Town Council and the Clerk-Treasurer.
      (3)   Division (A)(4) above is hereby reaffirmed in that the uniforms and equipment purchased by reserve officers using the funds set forth above shall remain town property and must be returned to the town upon termination or resignation of the reserve.
(Ord. 2991D, passed 3-9-1991; Ord. 101291, passed 10-12-1991; Ord. 121397A, passed 12-13-1997)