Table I: Annexations and Real Estate Transactions
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Authorizing the purchase of real estate situated in Pleasant Township, being a part of the NW quarter of Section 25, T2N, R9E, for the purpose of constructing a medical facility in joint cooperation with McComb Development Corporation and the Blanchard Valley Hospital
Authorizing the annexation of certain territory situated in Pleasant Township and being a part of the NW quarter of Section 25, T2N, R9E, containing3.671 acres of land, more or less
Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to execute a deed to the Blanchard Valley Hospital Association of Findlay, Ohio, for the property acquired for the new medical building facility, in accordance with the previous agreement
Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to enter into contracts for the purchase of the west one-half of Lot No. 34 in the Todd Addition and the east half of Lot No. 34 and the West five feet of Lot No. 35 in the Todd Addition from the respective owners for the total sum of $41,000 together with all costs of demolition and other related expenses associated with closing on said properties
Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to enter into a contract for the purchase of approximately .53 acres of land and situated in the south half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Pleasant Township, Hancock County, Ohio, for the sum of $20,000 together with all related expenses associated with the closing on the property
Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to enter into a contract for the purchase of approximately .20 acres of land and situated in the south half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Pleasant Township, Hancock County, Ohio for the sum of $500 together with all related expenses associated with the closing on the property
Accepting and approving an application for annexation of territory situated in Pleasant Township, County of Hancock, State of Ohio, and being a part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and part of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23 together with a part of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 26, T2N, R9E to be annexed to the Village of McComb
Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to execute quit claim deeds to the abutting property owners on the west side of the new Rader Road right-of-way for an approximately ten foot wide strip of land abutting said owners’ property on the east side which said strip of land was originally deeded to the village by said property owners and which is not needed for municipal purposes
Authorizing the Village Administrator to proceed with acquisition of approximately 12.219 acres of land, more or less, situated in Pleasant Township and being part of the south half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 23, through the combination fo purchase and gift from the successors in interest to Pylot Development, an Ohio partnership
Authorizing the sale of municipal property to the highest bidder, said property being approximately .508 acres of land located in the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 2 north, Range 9 east
Authorizing the Mayor and Village Administrator to enter into a purchase contract with Friels Development Corp. for the purchase of property located at 210 E. Main Street, McComb and being the east 25 feet of Lot No. 17 and the west 25 feet of Lot No. 16 in McComb Original and further known as the McComb Pharmacy property for a sum not to exceed $180,000 and to be acquired in a ready condition for the use as a medical doctor’s office
Amending Ord. 1998-18 to change the total purchase price of the former McComb pharmacy building from $180,000 to $185,000
Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a six month option agreement with Fritz Meyer and a three month option agreement with Robert L. Snively for the right to purchase certain real property for potential industrial sites
Authorizing the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for the sale of municipal property no longer needed for municipal purpose, situated in the village of McComb, being the east 25 feet of Lot No. 17 and the west 25 feet of Lot No. 16 (known as the McComb Medical Building located at 210 East Main Street)
Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a non-exclusive lease with the McComb Board of Education for a period of up to five years for the lease of ball diamond No. 2 at the village park
Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an offer to purchase contract with GBT Realty for the purchase of 1.34 acres, more or less, of village owned property, located on State Route 186
Accepting and approving an application for annexation of territory situated in the Township of Pleasant, County of Hancock, being part of the northwest quarter of Section 26, T2N, R9E, a tract of land consisting of 66.889 acres more or less (referred to as the Shady Acres Golf Course annexation)
Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Clint Schroeder, for the cash rent leasing of village farmland in the village
Authorizing the Village Administrator to advertise for bids and to sell the piece of property located at the east side of the village park at a minimum price of $5,000
Authorizing the Village Administrator to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the cash rent of 29 acres of village land located on SR 186 for farming of alfalfa blend purposes for the next three years
Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract for the cash rent of 41 acres of village land located on SR 186 for farming of alfalfa blend purposes for the next six years
Accepting and approving the petition for annexation of territory situated in the Township of Pleasant, County of Hancock, being part of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 23, T2N, R9E, a tract of land consisting of 15.084 acres more or less parcel numbers 400001030815, 400000907630, 400000907620, 400001030814 (referred to as the Northwestern Water and Sewer District annexation)