(A)   Purposes: The purposes of these requirements for a Short-Term Rental Dwelling are:
      1.   To ensure that the use of Short-Term Rental Dwellings have no greater impacts than would be created by long-term residential occupancy of the Dwelling;
      2.   To protect the health, safety and general welfare of occupants of Short-Term Rental Dwellings and the surrounding property owners through an inspection of Short-Term Rental Dwelling structures in compliance with MCC Title 2 and the applicable codes referenced therein; and
      3.   To protect the rights of property owners adjacent to Short-Term Rental Dwellings to a quiet, safe and neighborly environment free from nuisances that would not exist or would be less intensive but for the use of a Dwelling as a Short-Term Rental.
   (B)   Permit Required: Prior to advertising or operating a Dwelling as a Short-Term Rental, any property owner or property manager who leases, rents or otherwise makes available for compensation a Short-Term Rental Dwelling, such property owner or manager must first obtain a Short-Term Rental Permit pursuant to MCC Title 4.
   (C)   Standards: All Dwelling Short-Term Rentals shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   Access: Owners shall maintain access to the property and structures that is safe and free from obstructions for pedestrians and vehicles and shall be adequately sized and designed so that access to other properties is not impacted nor are unsafe conditions on public streets created contrary to the standards adopted by the McCall Fire District and the City Council.
      2.   Parking: All parking for the unit is contained on the site, not more than one (1) parking space per bedroom is provided, all trailers and vehicles shall be parked on an improved surfaced area and shall not allow parking on the public right-of way.
      3.   Occupancy: Short-Term Rentals shall contain no more than two (2) persons per bedroom, plus two additional persons, as identified in the Short-Term Rental Permit application and as defined by McCall City Code Section 3.2.02. Total maximum occupancy of the Short-Term Rental shall not exceed ten (10) persons without the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to MCC 3.13.03.
      4.   Noise: Loud music, outdoor activities or any other source of noise that can be heard beyond the perimeter of the Short-Term Rental premises shall not be generated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following day.
      5.   Health and Safety Inspection: Protection of the health and safety of occupants of a Short-Term Rental Dwelling and surrounding property owners shall be ensured through an inspection and approval of the Short-Term Rental Dwelling by the Fire Code Official for the McCall Fire Protection District prior to the issuance of a business license pursuant to MCC Title 4, Chapter 2. Such inspection shall be subject to a fire, health and safety checklist developed by the Fire Code Official and approved from time-to-time by resolution of the City Council.
      6.   Posted Notice: A written notice shall be posted in a conspicuous location within the unit that describes restrictions on use of the unit. Such notice shall include, but is not limited to the structure’s maximum occupancy, parking requirements, solid waste and fireplace ash disposal, quiet hours, noise restrictions, and restrictions on outdoor activity. A written notice shall also be posted detailing the emergency exiting plan approved by the Fire Code Official, Short-Term Rental business permit number, and the name and phone number of Local Contact Person and property owner.
      7.   Events: No Events shall be located at a Short-Term Rental without first obtaining a conditional use permit.
      8.   Accessory Dwelling Unit: If the Short-Term Rental is located on a parcel that contains an accessory dwelling unit and a primary residence, then one of the dwellings must be owner occupied or a local housing, non-Short-Term Rental, dwelling unit.
      9.   Exterior Changes: No exterior changes shall be made to the structures or site conditions at a Short-Term Rental that would eliminate its appearance or use as a Dwelling Unit for long term residency.
   (D)   Application Process: An application for a Short-Term Rental business license shall be submitted to the City in compliance with the procedures set forth in Title 4.
   (E)   Compliance:
      1.    All Owners wishing to operate a Short-Term Rental must be in immediate compliance with the provisions of this Section as well as the provisions of Title 4 applicable to Short-Term Rentals as follows:
         a.   All Owners of Short-Term Rentals may continue to operate under existing business licenses through December 31, 2022.
         b.   Owners of existing Short-Term Rentals wishing to operate in 2023 or at any time thereafter must submit an application for a Short-Term Rental Permit to the City according to the provisions of Title 4.
         c.   Any Owner shall submit an application for a Short-Term Rental Permit after October 1, 2022 and must be in general compliance with all the Short-Term Rental regulations in this chapter and Title 4 by January 1, 2024. All permits will expire on December 31 of each year and must be renewed annually.
   (F)   Enforcement of the requirements set forth in this section shall follow the enforcement provisions of MCC Title 4. (Ord. 1011, 9-8-2022)