The developer shall retain a professional geologist(s), professional engineer(s), or other professional(s) as needed, to prepare a physical site evaluation report to be submitted with the preliminary plat or preliminary development plan containing the following information:
   (A)   The report shall include an adequate description of the site geology, soils, topography, hydrology, and seismic setting to support an evaluation of their influence on the proposed development with recommendations for appropriate remedial action.
   (B)   The report shall include a description of the rock and soil type(s), their distribution, their physical and engineering properties; including, where applicable, settlement or swell potential, bearing strength, slope stability, and susceptibility to erosion or seismic hazards.
   (C)   The report shall include the hydrologic conditions unique to the site, the maximum height and grade of existing slopes, the recommended maximum height and grade of permanent constructed slopes, and any specified soil compaction, materials selection, soils stabilization, grading criteria, setbacks, or foundation and drainage requirements that are necessary to maintain safety to the public and property as well as to minimize environmental damage.
   (D)   The report shall delineate any special areas to be avoided or requiring specific treatment in site development, earthworks or construction for reasons of safety or natural aesthetic value including the considerations of section 9.7.03 of this chapter.
   (E)   The report shall include a description of prevalent plant species, including location and description of old growth forest or trees used as animal or bird sanctuary. (Ord. 822, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)