9.3.02: BLOCKS:
The length, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to:
   (A)   Adequate building sites suitable for the type of use contemplated, including the zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions, shall be provided.
   (B)   Blocks should have sufficient width to provide for two (2) tiers of lots; exceptions require commission approval when shown to be the only practical or possible arrangement.
   (C)   The needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic shall be met. The number of intersecting streets with designated arterial roads shall be held to a minimum.
   (D)   The limitations and opportunities of topography shall be recognized.
   (E)   Block lengths shall be between three hundred feet (300') and seven hundred fifty feet (750'), with a recommended distance of five hundred feet (500'), provided block lengths may be a greater, or lesser, length upon showing of cause or to conform to major existing terrain features. The block lengths are controlled to provide for adequate connectivity, convenient pedestrian circulation, access, and to control traffic rates. Alternative, traffic calming measures of an approved type may be a part of street design. Generally, smaller block lengths should be used in more pedestrian oriented and/or mixed use settings and projects.
   (F)   Three-way intersections shall only be permitted where most appropriate or where no other configurations are possible. A minimum distance of one hundred fifty feet (150'), measured from centerlines, shall separate any two (2), three-way intersections. (Ord. 822, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)