It shall be unlawful for any person to do or perform any of the following acts on the premises known and designated as the McCall Municipal Golf Course:
   (A)   Permitting, causing or allowing a dog to be thereon, except when the golf course is closed November 15 through May 15 provided the animal is in compliance with subsection 8-14-4(C) of this title;
   (B)   Jogging, except when the golf course is closed November 15 through May 15;
   (C)   Bicycling, except when the golf course is closed November 15 through May 15;
   (D)   Allowing, causing or permitting a child under the age of ten (10) years to play golf except any such child playing golf with his or her separate set of golf clubs and accompanied at all times by an adult person;
   (E)   Operating or parking a snowmobile thereon;
   (F)   Operating or parking a motor vehicle thereon, except a City employee performing upkeep and maintenance duties upon such golf course;
   (G)   Walking upon the golf course except as a participant in play or except when conducting oneself in an orderly and quiet fashion as part of the gallery at a competitive golf event or except as a golf course employee and within the scope of employment or except when the golf course is closed November 15 through May 15;
   (H)   Whenever the Golf Course Superintendent, or his designee, for the protection of the course has determined that an activity, otherwise permitted herein, is damaging to the course, the Superintendent, or his designee, shall be permitted to stop the damaging activity and prohibit persons from engaging in the same.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the use and operation of golf carts for the playing of golf on the McCall Municipal Golf Course. (Ord. 954, 1-12-2017)