The development proposal shall be preplanned in its entirety and be characterized by a unified site design. Approval of a PUD shall substantially conform to the zone in which the development is located, except that a zoning standard may be modified as part of the PUD request. In addition, the following development standards apply to PUDs:
   (A)   Residential Density: The number of dwelling units allowed in a PUD shall be calculated by taking the gross area, less the area set aside for nonresidential excepted uses, less open spaces, churches, schools, and public roadways, and dividing by the minimum lot area per dwelling unit required by the zone in which the site is located. An increase in the computed allowable maximum may be permitted in conformance with section 3.10.024 of this chapter.
   (B)   Yards: Along the periphery of the PUD, yards shall be provided as required by regulation of the zone in which the development is located, unless an exception is provided. Where development already exists within one hundred feet (100') of the PUD boundary at the periphery, the yards shall be matched, where practical; e.g., side yards should be provided adjacent to side yards, rear yards adjacent to rear yards and front yards opposite front yards.
   (C)   Off Street Parking: Off street parking shall comply with the parking requirements of the underlying zone. No common parking or maneuvering areas shall be allowed within twenty feet (20') of the boundary of the PUD, except where the PUD is designed to be connected and integrated with an adjoining development; otherwise, all common parking or maneuvering areas shall be buffered from adjacent properties. The buffer area must be landscaped, screened, or protected by natural features with the objective of minimizing adverse impacts to surrounding properties. In addition to the above requirements, where on street parking is prohibited, at least one-half (1/2) additional parking space per dwelling unit shall be provided either in approved parking bays along the street or in an off street parking area. In addition, parking space shall be planned for the many types of recreational vehicles common to the McCall area, such as trailers for snowmobiles, large motor homes, etc.
   (D)   Signs: Signs shall conform to the requirements of chapter 9 of this title.
   (E)   Storm Water Management: The management of storm water shall conform to the requirements of title IX, chapter 6 of this code.
   (F)   Open Space; Common Areas; Amenities:
      1.   Unless otherwise approved, not less than ten percent (10%) of the total gross area of a residential PUD shall be retained as permanent open space and shall not include strips of less than fifteen feet (15') in width, unless designed to accommodate a pedestrian accessway, pedestrian amenity, or a water feature such as a pond or stream. Where a PUD contains more than twenty (20) multi-family dwellings, a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of land area of the PUD shall consist of open space. Of this required open space, portions may be "common area" used for recreational or other collective enjoyment by occupants of the development, privately owned properties dedicated by easements to assure that open space will be permanent, and lands developed as active recreational areas or preserved in their natural state when such areas contain unique natural assets such as groves of trees, ponds, rivers or streambeds. If ponds are to be considered as part of the required open space, no more than twenty five percent (25%) of the surface area of the ponds shall be used to fulfill this requirement.
      2.   In order to be functionally usable, open space should exist in quantities of some minimum dimension. Therefore, the areas of each parcel of open space to be used for active recreational use shall have a size and shape consistent with the planned use.
      3.   Open spaces shall be distributed within projects in locations near the dwelling units of the people they are intended to serve.
      4.   Land indicated as open space, common areas, amenities (tennis courts, playgrounds, swimming pools, etc.), streets and sidewalks shall be shown on the preliminary plan, and shall state on the plan that they be permanently maintained as such either by a homeowners' association which provides private covenants, an agreement with the developer, or if suitable and mutually agreeable, by public dedications.
      5.   Amenities shall be provided as a part of each PUD. The number of amenities (minimum of 2) shall be proportionate to the size of the development and may include, but not be limited to, any of the following:
         (a)   Private recreational facilities such as a swimming pool, tennis court, barbecue area or playground of a size appropriate to meet needs of the development.
         (b)   Provision for public access to any public open space, park or river greenbelt.
         (c)   Publicly dedicated land in a PUD for facilities such as school, fire station, well site, public park, public recreational facility.
         (d)   Additional open space, above and beyond city standards, for parkways, boulevards, or other features designed to mitigate vehicle/traffic impact.
         (e)   Other amenities as approved by the commission and council.
   (G)   Residential PUDs: Except in the CBD zone, all residential PUDs shall provide each dwelling unit with a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of private, landscaped, open space. The commission should evaluate each project on its own merits and allow variations to the open space standard where it can be shown that the provided space meets the intent and purpose of this title.
   (H)   Required Setbacks: Attached structures may be permitted in PUDs. The minimum separation between detached buildings shall be ten feet (10'), unless greater separation is required by fire or building codes. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)
   (I)   Landscaping: Industrial, business park, commercial, and technological uses shall be developed in parklike surroundings including landscape as buffers to screen lighting and parking areas. (Ord. 885, 3-24-2011)
   (J)   Private Streets: Private streets may be utilized within the project, subject to the requirements of title IX, chapter 6 of this code, when the following requirements are met:
      1.   The commission, after recommendation from city staff and the fire chief, finds that the design of the proposed streets, pedestrianways and off street parking is adequate to protect public health, safety and welfare and will adequately accommodate anticipated uses within the development, as well as appropriately contribute to the city's need for a connected street network.
      2.   Private streets shall be owned by a homeowners' association and all future repair and maintenance costs, including reconstruction, shall be borne by the homeowners.
      3.   If the owners in the future should request that the private streets be changed to public streets and no lots are rendered substandard as a result, the owners do fully agree that, before acceptance of such streets, the owners will bear full expense of reconstruction in making such streets conform to the requirements applicable at that time.
   (K)   Lighting Plan: An exterior lighting plan shall be provided as required by chapter 14, "Outdoor Lighting", of this title. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)