(A)   Manufactured housing erected within the corporate limits of the village shall consist of the following minimum requirements.
      (1)   All exterior walls shall be constructed with two by four studs, 16-inch on center. All door and window headers must be a minimum of double two by six studs;
      (2)   All plumbing shall be in compliance with the State Plumbing Code, as may be amended from time to time;
      (3)   The electric service, including electrical wiring, fixtures or other electrical hardware shall be in compliance with the International Building Code 2003, as may be amended from time to time. Minimum of 100 amp electric service with all copper wiring;
      (4)   All manufactured housing shall be secured upon a brick, block or concrete foundation;
      (5)   No manufactured housing shall have an exterior surface consisting of aluminum sheathing, metal sheathing, sheet metal or other similar material;
      (6)   No manufactured housing shall have a flat roof on any part of the structure; and
      (7)   All manufactured housing shall have a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum square footage of 750 square feet.
   (B)   All manufactured housing shall be subject to conveyances of real property by deed.
(Ord. 1999-2, Zoning § 3, subs. .190, passed 2-15-1999)