All persons desiring a connection between the water mains of the village and the property owned or occupied by such persons shall make application for such connection in writing to the Board of Trustees of the village and shall at the time of completion of the work pay a fee which shall be equal to the actual costs of materials used for said connection and shall at the time of making such connection cause all necessary digging to be done between the property line and the water main, under the supervision of the village authorities and shall furnish all pipe in making such connection. The village shall furnish the connection between the main and the pipe furnished by the applicant and will furnish a water meter without additional charge to the applicant. All pipes laid by said applicant shall be suitably covered with earth under the direction of the village authorities, and all connections applied for hereunder and all water used hereunder shall be upon the express conditions that the village shall not be liable, nor shall any claim be made against it for damages or injury caused by reason of the breaking of any main, branches, service pipes, apparatus er appurtenances connected with said system or plant, or any part or portion of said plant, or for any interruption of the supply by reason of the breakage of machinery, or by reason of stoppage, alterations, extensions or renewals.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 7-3-1944; Ord. passed 5-1-1957)