(A)   Name. The name of this association shall be the Maywood Fire Department Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Fund Association.
   (B)   Object. The object and sole function of this Association is to provide all needful rules and regulations governing its officers and its operation and to manage the monies received from fire insurance companies to be used for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Fire Department in accordance with 65 ILCS 5/11-10-2.
   (C)   Membership. The Fire Chief, officers and all full time firefighters of the Maywood Fire Department are members of this Association and shall have the privilege of holding office, attending meetings and electing officers.
   (D)   Officers and their election.
      (1)   The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected at an annual meeting to be held each year during the month of May, except that, upon passage of this section, an initial meeting shall be held as soon as is practical to elect the officers and adopt needed rules and regulations to form the Association.
      (2)   A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled through election at an Association meeting which shall be held within 2 weeks of the occurrence of the vacancy. If the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, the President shall assume those duties until a new Treasurer is elected.
   (E)   Duties of officers.
      (1)   The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, may call for special meetings and shall perform all other duties as set forth in the rules of the Association.
      (2)   The Secretary shall keep the minutes for all meetings of the Association and shall post a copy of the approved minutes of each meeting at all fire stations. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be delegated under Association rules and shall supply new members of the Department with a copy of such rules.
      (3)   The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association; shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures; and shall pay out funds in accordance with the approved expenditure as authorized by the Association in accordance with its rules. The Treasurer shall present a statement of accounts at every meeting of the Association and at other times when requested by the President and shall make a full Annual Report at the Annual Meeting.
      (4)   The Treasurer’s books shall be examined annually by an Auditing Committee of not less than 3 members (or an auditor) who, satisfied that the Treasurer’s Annual Report is correct, shall sign a statement at the end of the report certifying its correctness. The Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President at least 30 days before the Annual Meeting.
      (5)   All monies shall be deposited in accordance with state law on investing public funds in an interest bearing account at a local FDIC insured depository selected by the Treasurer and qualified for the deposit of public funds under state law.
      (6)   All officers shall:
         (a)   Perform the duties prescribed in the rules of the Association in addition to those outlined above and those assigned from time to time;
         (b)   Deliver to their successors all official records and other materials within 7 days following the meeting at which the successors take office or immediately upon resignation or otherwise leaving the Department.
   (F)   Meetings. Regular meetings of this Association shall be held at least twice per year on dates provided for in its rules. Seven days notice shall be given of the change of the date of a regular meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President, 3 days notice having been given. The annual meeting date shall be established in the Association rules and shall be held in May, at which time the election of officers shall occur.
   (G)   Standing committee. Standing committees may be created by the Executive Board which shall consist of the President, Treasurer and Secretary, as the need arises.
   (H)   Parliamentary authority. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the meetings of this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with this section.
   (I)   Bond of Treasurer. The Treasurer of the Association shall provide the Village with sufficient bond which shall be approved by the Village President and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Treasurer of his or her duties under the ordinance creating this Association and the rules and regulations provided for therein.
   (J)   Disposition of revenue. The monies collected from fire insurance companies pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-10-1 shall be paid over from the Village Treasurer to the Association Treasurer and deposited into the Fire Association Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Fund as established above. Such monies may be used only upon order of the Department for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Department.
(1997 Code, § 5.19) (Ord. 89-1, passed 2-23-1989)