§ 118.03 TAXICABS.
   (A)   License required. No vehicle shall be operated within the Village as a taxicab unless a Village taxicab vehicle license has been issued for the vehicle.
   (B)   License fee. The fee for each taxicab vehicle license shall be $125 per year.
   (C)   Vehicle condition. Each vehicle operated as a taxicab shall be in a mechanically sound condition and shall not have any visible rust or body damage.
   (D)   Quarterly inspections required. Each taxicab shall be inspected by the Building and Code Enforcement Department during the months of February, May, August and November for the purpose of determining whether the taxicab is in sound and safe mechanical and operating condition and meets any and all minimum standards established by law, ordinance, rule or regulation for vehicles which use public ways. The quarterly inspections required by this section shall be made at times and places and shall be conducted in a manner to be determined by the Building Director. In addition to the quarterly inspection required by this section, the Building Director may, upon 24 hours written notice, require that a taxicab be produced for inspection by the licensee to whom the taxicab vehicle license was issued. Each time a taxicab is inspected the licensee shall produce the taxicab’s vehicle identification number.
   (E)   Display of license. All vehicles for which a taxicab vehicle license has been issued shall have affixed to their windshield decals to be issued by the Village which shall contain the number of the taxicab vehicle license and the month and year in which the vehicle was last inspected.
   (F)   Taximeters required. All vehicles operated as taxicabs shall have taximeters which comply with the provisions of § 118.06. No taxicab vehicle license shall be issued for any vehicle until the taximeter attached thereto shall have been inspected as provided in § 118.06 and found to be accurate.
   (G)   Identification of taxicabs. Each vehicle for which a taxicab vehicle license is issued shall have painted on its trunk the Illinois vehicle license plate number issued for such vehicle by the Illinois Secretary of State. The name of the taxicab company which operates the vehicle as a taxicab or on whose behalf the vehicle is operated as a taxicab shall be painted on both sides of the vehicle. The license plate numbers and taxicab company names shall be lettered in U.S. Standard Series "E" print which is not less than 2 inches in height.
(1997 Code, § 36.03) (Ord. 83-7, passed 4-28-1983; Am. Ord. C0-00-28, passed 12-4-2000; Am. Ord. CO-09-27, passed 10-6-2009; Am. Ord. CO-2021-21, passed 8-17-2021)