(A)   The following form shall be utilized in the administration of §§ 94.05 and 94.06 of this Code for posting in towing establishments and mailing or delivering to owners:
   Before the Owner or person entitled to possession of any impounded vehicle shall be permitted to remove the same from custody of the Village or a towing service operator, he shall furnish evidence of his identity and ownership of the vehicle and right of possession thereto, shall sign a receipt for the vehicle, and shall pay a fee not exceeding $               for a passenger vehicle of not more than 7 passengers, and $                for a truck or commercial vehicle to cover the cost of towing or removal to a vehicle pound or authorized garage, and in addition thereto, the cost of storage not exceeding $               per day for a passenger vehicle of not more than 7 passengers, and $              per day for a truck or commercial vehicle. However, higher fees may be charged in particularly difficult or unusual towing or storage circumstances, for which rate information is available upon request at the Police Department, the Building and Code Enforcement Department or the Village Manager’s office or towing business location. If the Owner or person entitled to possession wishes to contest the validity of the tow, he may obtain a hearing under the conditions of either paragraph (A) or (B) stated below:
   (A)   If the vehicle has been released, he may, within 15 days of the release of the vehicle or the mailing or personal delivery to him of the notification of the tow, whichever occurs fast, request a hearing by filing a written request for a hearing in the office of the Village Manager, 115 S. Fifth Avenue, Maywood, Illinois 60153, (312) 344-1200.
   The right to any hearing will be deemed waived unless a written request for hearing is received by the office of the Village Manager within the applicable 15 day period.
   (B)   If the vehicle is still impounded, he may contact the above office and obtain a hearing within the next day after the request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, unless the request is made after 3:00 p.m., or unless there are particular difficulties in having the hearing on the next day, in which case the hearing will take place on the second day thereafter, excluding weekends and holidays.
   The hearing shall be conducted according to the applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the Village and shall determine the validity of the impounding of the vehicle and the imposition or refund of any towing or storage charges, but the hearing will not determine or adjudicate any citations issued.
   If the Hearing Officer sustains the validity of the tow and storage, the Owner or person entitled to possession will be required to pay all unpaid towing and storage fees before obtaining the release of the vehicle.
   (B)   The following form shall be utilized in the administration of §§ 94.05 and 94.06 of this Code for the mailing or delivery of post-tow notice to owners, including the form set forth in division (A) of this section:
   Post-Tow Incident Report No.              
To:    (Name)
Date of Certified or Registered Mailing:                 
Date and Time of and Name of
Person Making Personal Delivery:                                                                                                      
   You are listed as the Registered Owner or person entitled to possession of the following-described vehicle:
(make)     (model/year)
(other identifying features)
(license plate number and State)
which is impounded at:
(name and address of towing service operator or Village auto pound)
The vehicle was towed from (location) on (date) , by the authority of the Village of Maywood, as an unlawful or hazardous vehicle, for the following reason(s):
(facts forming basis of tow)
   The towing was authorized by (ordinance or statutory section) which provides that:                                                                                                                                                                                        
   You have the rights and payment obligations as set forth in the enclosed Notice of Vehicle Release Requirements and Hearing Rights.
(1997 Code, § 44.07) (Ord. 85-26, passed 7-11-1985; Am. Ord. CO-09-27, passed 10-6-2009; Am. Ord. CO-2021-21, passed 8-17-2021)