(A)   Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, the Village Manager may prohibit the parking of vehicles at all times, or between certain hours, on any street or portion of street and when such parking may impede the free flow of traffic on such streets and shall cause appropriate signs to be erected and maintained giving notice thereof.
   (B)   No person shall park a vehicle during the time prohibited at places so indicated by official signs. No parking zones are designated in Chapter 76, Schedule III.
   (C)   No person shall park a vehicle on a vacant lot or lot with a vacant building without the express written permission of the property owner.
      (1)   Vehicles parked without such permission are subject to a $100 fine.
      (2)   Any vehicle not listed on the list of authorized persons and vehicles submitted by the owner of a lot with a vacant lot pursuant to § 150.031(A)(4) shall be considered a nuisance and an “unlawful vehicle” pursuant to § 99.01 of this Code and may be abated through towing in conformance with the applicable provisions for the towing of an unlawful vehicle, in addition to a fine of $100.
      (3)   Inclusion on a list submitted pursuant to § 150.031(A)(4) of this Code or express written permission from the owner of the property on which a vacant building sits to park on the property shall be a defense to a violation of this section.
   (D)   No person shall park a vehicle in whole or in part on any unimproved or unapproved surface in residential districts.
      (1)   Approved surfaces include impervious surfaces that are constructed from materials in compliance with the Maywood zoning ordinance.
      (2)   Unapproved surfaces include, but are not limited to, any unimproved surface, or any surface constructed from materials not in compliance with the Maywood zoning ordinances such as grass, mulch, dirt, wood chips, and/or gravel.
      (3)   Any vehicle which is parked and maintained on blocks or stands that keep the wheels of the vehicle from touching the ground and/or from bearing the weight of the vehicle shall be deemed to be parked on an unapproved surface, unless repairs are actively being made to the vehicle and the blocks or stands are on an approved surface.
(1997 Code, § 41.17) (Am. Ord. CO-2012-41, passed 11-5-2012; Am. Ord. CO-2023-51, passed 12-5-2023)