§ 30.02 CLERK.
   (A)   Election and term. The Village Clerk shall be elected and serve for a 4 year term and until their successor is elected and qualified, as provided by statute.
   (B)   Oath; bond. The Clerk before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the oath of office prescribed by law and shall execute a bond to the Village in the penal sum of $2,000 or such amount as may be fixed by resolution, with sureties as shall be approved by the President and Board of Trustees, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office, and the payment of all moneys that may be received by them, according to law and ordinance. The bond shall be filed with the Treasurer.
   (C)   Office. The Clerk shall keep their office in the Village Hall or at such other place as the Board of Trustees may direct.
   (D)   Minutes; notices; website. The Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Legal, License and Ordinance Committee, including executive sessions, and shall keep in a suitable book a full and faithful record of those proceedings, except if the Clerk is the subject matter of the executive session and their presence creates a conflict of interest. They shall issue and cause to be served upon all members of the Board of Trustees notices of all special meetings of the Board and the Legal, License and Ordinance Committee; they shall also issue and cause to be served notices to the members of different committees of the Board and to all other persons whose attendance may be required before any such committee when so directed by the chairman thereof. The Village Clerk shall within no more than 10 days after each meeting of the Board supply to each member a typewritten copy of the minutes. If the Village has a website that is maintained by a full-time Village employee, then the Village Clerk or his or her designee shall, within no more than 10 days after approval of minutes of a meeting, post the approved minutes on the Village’s website.
   (E)   Custody of seal and records. The Clerk shall be the keeper and custodian of the corporate seal of the Village. He shall carefully preserve in his office all books, records, papers, maps and effects of every description belonging to the Village or pertaining to his office and not in actual use and possession of other Village officers. Upon the expiration of his official term he shall deliver all such records, books, papers and effects to his successor in office.
   (F)   Record of ordinances. The Clerk shall record and properly index in a book kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the Board, within 5 days after passage and approval by the President, and at the foot of each ordinance so recorded he shall make a memorandum showing dates of passage.
   (G)   Delivery of papers to officers. The Clerk shall, without delay, upon the adjournment of each meeting of the Board, deliver to the several committees of the Board and to the officers of the city, all petitions, communications, reports, resolutions, orders, claims and other papers referred to those committees or officers by the Board. He shall also, without delay, deliver to the President all ordinances or resolutions in his charge, which are required to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the President.
   (H)   Preparation of documents. The Clerk shall prepare all commissions, licenses, permits and other official documents required to be issued by him under the laws and ordinances of the Village and shall attest the same with the corporate seal; and he shall in like manner attest all deeds for the sale or transfer of real estate owned by the Village and all bonds issued by the Village.
   (I)   Purchase of supplies. The Clerk shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Board, purchase all necessary office and election supplies.
   (J)   Record of licenses. The Clerk shall number in numerical order all licenses made out by him, and before delivery thereof, shall register them in like order in a book kept for that purpose, giving number, date, period of time for which issued, to whom issued, for what purpose, fee, and definite location of business of licensee. He shall also on May 1 of each year prepare and mail notices for renewal of licenses and payment of fees to the Village to all persons engaged in or carrying on a business or occupation required to be licensed by this Code.
   (K)   Moneys received. The Clerk shall receive all moneys due to the Village, except tax, special improvement assessments and motor fuel tax refunds, which are paid direct to the Treasurer.
   (L)   Other duties. In addition to the duties set forth in this section, the Clerk shall perform all other duties pertaining to his office as are and may be imposed upon him by law or resolution of the Board of Trustees.
   (M)   Duties generally. The Clerk shall:
      (1)   Issue notices to the members of the Board of Trustees and to all officers and other persons, when directed to do so by the Board;
      (2)   He shall without delay deliver to the officers of the Village all resolutions and communications referred to those officers by that body;
      (3)   He shall without delay deliver to the President all ordinances or resolutions under his charge which may require to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the President, with all papers on which the same were founded;
      (4)   He shall, within 5 days after the result of any election is declared or appointment made, notify such persons so elected or appointed to any Village office of their election or appointment, and unless such persons shall qualify, respectively, within 10 days after such notice, the office shall become vacant.
   (N)   Compensation. The Village Clerk shall receive as compensation for his services an annual salary of $6,800 payable in monthly increments of $261.54. The Village Clerk shall receive no other compensation for his services. Any Village Clerk first assuming the duties of the office following election or re-election in April, 2009 shall receive as compensation $12,700 per year payable in biweekly increments of $488.46.
   (O)   Deputy Clerk. The Clerk may appoint a deputy, who, in the absence of the Clerk from the place where the Clerk’s office is maintained, in case of sickness or otherwise, shall have the authority to exercise all the powers and duties of the Clerk. In order for the Deputy Clerk to have the authority to exercise the power and duties of the Clerk, it is only necessary that the Clerk be absent from the place where the Clerk’s office is maintained. It is not necessary either that the Clerk give written direction to the Deputy Clerk to exercise the powers and duties of the Clerk. Neither is it necessary that the Village’s corporate authorities determine by resolution that the Clerk is temporarily or permanently incapacitated to perform the functions of the office of Clerk, before the Deputy Clerk can perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Village Clerk. The Clerk shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning compensation for the appointed office of Deputy Clerk.
(1997 Code, § 3.02) (Ord. 79-2, passed 3-8- 1979; Am. Ord. 86-10, passed 8-14-1986; Am. Ord. CO-94-12, passed 12-27-1994; Am. Ord. CO-04-02, passed 2-23-2004; Am. Ord. 29, passed 9-19-2006; Am. Ord. CO-2010-26, passed 12-21-2010)