(A)   If any fine, penalty and costs are owing and unpaid after a determination of liability under this chapter has become final and the respondent has exhausted or failed to exhaust judicial procedures for review, the Ordinance Enforcement Administrator shall cause a notice of final determination of liability to be sent to the respondent in accordance with § 39.33(F).
   (B)   Any fine and penalty remaining unpaid after the notice of final determination of liability is sent shall constitute a debt due and owing the Village, which may be enforced in the manner set forth in § 39.16. Failure of the respondent to pay such fine or penalty within 14 days of the notice may result in:
      (1)   The immobilization of the person's vehicle for failure to pay fines or penalties for 3 or more standing, parking, compliance or automated traffic law violations; and
      (2)   The suspension of the person's driver's license for failure to pay fines or penalties for 10 or more parking violations or 5 or more automated traffic law violations.
(Ord. 44, passed 10-21-208)