(A)   Whenever any vehicle is in violation of any provision of the Village Code prohibiting or restricting vehicular parking, standing, or compliance, any
person, whether owner or lessee, in whose name the vehicle is registered with the Secretary of State of Illinois or other state’s registry of motor vehicles, shall be prima facie responsible for the violation and subject to the fine and penalty therefor. The Village and the ticketing agent shall accurately record the state registration number of the ticketed vehicle. A prima facie case shall not be established when:
      (1)   The ticketing agent has failed to specify the proper state registration number of the cited vehicle on the notice;
      (2)   The Village has failed to accurately record the specified state registration number.
   (B)   Whenever any vehicle exhibits a violation of any provision of the Village Code prohibiting or restricting vehicular parking, standing, or compliance, any police officer, parking enforcement officer, or other person designated by the Village Manager, who observes such violation may issue a notice of violation as provided for in § 39.32, or, in the case of minor offenses specified in § 70.03, may issue a Compliance “C” ticket and minor violation notice, and serve the notice on the registered owner of the vehicle by handing it to the operator of the vehicle, if he or she is present, or by affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place. The issuer of the notice shall specify on the notice his or her identification number, the particular ordinance alleged to have been violated, the make and state registration number of the cited vehicle, and the place, date, time and nature of the alleged violation and shall certify the correctness of the specified information by signing his or her name at the time of service as provided in Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/11-208.3, or, in the case of a computer-generated notice, by signing a single certificate to be kept by the Village Traffic Compliance Administrator or his or her designee attesting to the correctness of all notices produced by the device while it was under his or her control.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the registered owner of the vehicle or his or her designee, to remove from a vehicle a parking violation notice or Compliance “C” ticket and minor violation notice affixed pursuant to this chapter. The fine for a first-time violation of this section shall be $250. Subsequent violations shall be penalized by imposition of a $500 fine.
(Ord. 44, passed 10-21-2008; Am. Ord. CO-2014-16, passed 4-15-2014)