(A)   Statutes adopted. The Village hereby adopts 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.1 through and including 8-2-9.10, providing for an annual municipal budget in lieu of the passage of an annual appropriation ordinance.
   (B)   Budget Officer.
      (1)   Appointment. The Village President with the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint a Budget Officer who shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities enumerated in 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.1 through and including 8-2-9.10, as amended.
      (2)   Bond. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Budget Officer shall execute an oath of office and shall furnish a surety bond in such amount and form as is approved by the Village Board, such bond to be conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The premium of the bond shall be paid by the Village.
      (3)   Duties. The Budget Officer shall compile a budget pursuant to the above sections of the Illinois Compiled Statutes as they are now, or may hereafter be amended, containing estimates of the revenues available before the beginning of the fiscal year to which it applies, together with recommended expenditures for the Village and all of its boards, commissions and departments, with the budget being adopted by the President and Board of Trustees prior to the first day of each fiscal year. The Budget Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the budget is timely filed with the proper government agencies as required by state statute.
      (4)   Removal from office. The Budget Officer may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the President and Board of Trustees. The action of the President and Board of Trustees in removing the Budget Officer shall be final.
   (C)   Preliminary budget. Copies of the preliminary annual budget shall be made available for public inspection in typewritten form in the Officer of the Village Clerk for at least 10 days prior to the passage of the annual budget, and not less than 1 week after the budget is available for inspection, and prior to final action on the budget, at least 1 public hearing shall be held on the budget by the President and Board of Trustees. Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the Village at least 1 week prior to the time of the hearing.
   (D)   Budget revisions.
      (1)   Authority. The President and Board of Trustees may delegate authority to the Village Manager, Budget Officer or Director of Finance to delete, add to, or change items previously budgeted to the department, board or commission, subject to such limitation or requirement for prior approval by the Village Manager as the President and Board of Trustees, upon a 2/3 vote, may establish. The Village Manager may revise or alter the annual budget by changing line items in the same category without Board approval.
      (2)   Vote on revisions. The annual budget may be revised by a vote of 2/3 of the President and Board of Trustees by deleting, adding to or changing budgeted items.
      (3)   Restrictions on revisions. No revision of the budget items shall be made which result in increasing the total budget unless funds are available to effectuate the purpose of the revision.
      (4)   Emergency budget revisions; borrowing money.
         (a)   Notwithstanding the limitation of this section, the President and Board of Trustees, by 2/3 vote, may make emergency revisions to the annual budget for:
            1.   Improvements or restorations made necessary for any casualty or accident; or
            2.   To meet any unforeseen emergency requiring immediate action to prevent the spread of disease or avoid imminent danger to persons or property.
         (b)   For this purpose, the President and Board of Trustees, by a like vote, may authorize the President and the Finance Committee to borrow the amount of money necessary therefor for a space of time not extending beyond the close of the next fiscal year. The sum so borrowed and the interest thereon shall be added to and included in the amount authorized to be raised in the next general tax levy.
         (c)   Should any judgment be obtained against the Village, the President and the Finance Committee, under sanction of the Board of Trustees, may borrow a sufficient amount to pay the same for a space of time expiring not later than the close of the next fiscal year, which sum and interest shall, in like manner, be added to and included in the amount authorized to be raised in the general tax levy of the next year.
(Ord. C0-08-19, passed 5-6-2008)