The Board shall consist of not less than five nor more than twenty-five residents of the Municipality, one of whom shall be designated the Chairman and one such member shall be a member of Council.
   (a)   The Chairman and the members of the Board shall be appointed for a term of two years by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by a vote of not less than four members of Council.
   (b)   In case the office of Chairman or Board member shall become vacant, the Mayor shall appoint a resident of the Municipality to fulfill the unexpired term subject to the confirmation by a vote of not less than four members of Council.
   (c)   The Mayor may remove the Chairman or any Board member for gross misconduct or malfeasance in or disqualification for office, provided, however, that such removal shall not take place without the affirmative vote of not less than five members of Council. Council may remove the Chairman or any Board member without the recommendation or approval of the Mayor, provided, however, that such removal shall not take place without the affirmative vote of six members of Council.
   (d)   The Chairman and Board members shall serve without compensation.
      (Ord. 2017-43. Passed 2-19-18.)