   The advertising for bids involving the expenditure of more than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) shall be made by motion of Council directing the Clerk of Council to advertise for not less than once during each of two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality, or on the Municipality’s website and social media accounts. Notwithstanding the authority of Council, the Mayor shall also have the authority to place an advertisement for bids as required herein. The award of a contract accepting such bid shall be by resolution of Council and shall direct the Mayor and President of Council to enter into an appropriate contract.
   No purchase of goods and services in an amount equal to or greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) but less than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) shall be made without first obtaining at least two written quotations from reputable suppliers submitted to Council. Authority to make such purchases and enter into any related contract shall be made by motion approved by a majority of the members elected to Council.
   Effective for January 1, 2025, and for each calendar year thereafter, the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) shall be increased by three percent (3%) as determined and announced by the Director of Finance.
   For the purchase of goods or services in amounts less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) the Mayor shall have authority to make the purchase without prior authorization from Council so long as the availability of appropriated funds for such purchase is certified by the Finance Director. In addition, the Mayor shall have further authority to purchase, without prior authorization of Council, goods or services in amounts less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) even though such amount is unappropriated. In the event of an emergency that threatens the health, safety and/or welfare of the residents of Mayfield Village the Mayor shall have the authority to make a purchase in an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) without prior authorization from Council even though such amount is not appropriated.
(Ord. 2023-10. Passed 11-20-23.)