Signs in Apartment House and Restricted Multi-Story Apartment House Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained in whole or in part, in accordance with these regulations. Only the following type of signs shall be permitted as to use, structure, size and number and shall be regulated as follows:
   (a)    Directional Signs. Two directional signs of permanent construction each not exceeding four square feet in area or four feet in height above natural grade indicating traffic routes within parking areas or driveways shall be permitted at any entrance/exit to a building or lot, provided that no part of the sign or the support thereof is located less than two feet from any lot line. Horizontal directional signs on and flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards. Illumination is permitted subject to the requirements of this chapter.
   (b)    Identification Signs. One identification sign not to exceed thirty-two square feet in area and four feet in height per complex shall be permitted provided that such sign is located not less than thirty feet from the right-of-way.
   (c)    Integral Signs. One integral sign not exceeding two square feet in area shall be permitted.
   (d)    Street Number Signs. Two street number signs not exceeding two square feet in area shall be permitted for each building. Such signs shall be located not less than ten feet from the nearest property line and shall not be over five feet above ground. For purposes of this section, one sign indicating the name of a building shall be permitted which shall not exceed four square feet in area and shall be attached to the building.
   (e)    Ground Signs and Window Signs. One Ground Sign and/or Window not to exceed one square foot in area.
      (Ord. 2019-09. Passed 4-15-19.)