"Rain Barrel" means an above-ground prefabricated storage receptacle with an automatic overflow diversion system that collects and stores storm water runoff from a roof of a structural design that would have been otherwise routed into a storm drain.
(Ord. 2010-33. Passed 8-16-10.)
The installation of rain barrels or other structural storage containers shall be limited to residentially zoned property, shall conform to the standards established by the Village for such devices and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Department to ensure that they are correctly installed. A permit is required to be obtained by the resident for installation of a rain barrel or storage container at the cost set forth in Section 1309.24 per address or "system." Notwithstanding the above, rain barrels or other structural storage containers may be installed on commercially zoned property under limited circumstances so long as in conformity with the standards and requirements established by the Village and approved by the Building Department. Approvals for rain barrels and other structural storage containers on commercially zoned properties shall be given on a case by case basis and be subject to the complete discretion of the Building Commissioner. (Ord. 2010-33. Passed 8-16-10.)
(a) One or more downspouts in the rear or side of a residential dwelling may be directed into an approved rain barrel or other structural container with a maximum capacity of 80 gallons.
(b) Such storage containers or rain barrels must be placed at least 3 feet away from the property line and may not be placed in the front of a home.
(c) Rain barrels must be of a solid color- green, white, blue, and earth tone colors are all acceptable colors. When possible the color choice shall substantially blend with the exterior color of the structure and nearby surroundings. Color choice shall take into consideration the view from the road right-of-way so as to make the rain barrel as inconspicuous as possible. Whenever practicable, rain barrels located in sideyard areas that are visible from the street shall be screened by plantings of sufficient height and area to obscure the view of the barrel.
(d) The overflow from such devices must be directed away from the dwelling's foundation, must not cause excessive erosion or water damage, and must be diverted into the public storm sewer or other approved location.
(Ord. 2010-33. Passed 8-16-10.)