153.11 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE. Refer to Ordinance No. 2019-05
(a) All permanent full-time employees shall be eligible to participate in a group health care plan established by the Municipality, which shall include medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage. Such group plan may be provided through a self-insured plan or an outside provider, or a combination thereof. In each year of the contract, the Municipality shall offer a base plan and may offer alternate plans.
(b) Permanent full-time employees of the Municipality not presently insured and new permanent full-time employees of the Municipality may join the plan at such intervals as may be authorized by the Municipality's medical insurance carrier, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Finance Director.
(c) Health Care Plans. In 2024 and 2025, the plans being offered by the Employer are the Buckeye Ohio Risk Management Association Benefits Pool, Inc. (BORMA) Aetna Choice POS II - Standard Plans 2, 3 and 4. Employee Premium Contributions for 2024 will be paid through payroll deduction in the following amounts, depending on the Plan selected by each employee:
Plan 2 (Base Plan): | Total Premium | Employee Monthly Premium Contribution |
Single | $1,057.12 | $87.33 |
Employee and Spouse | $2,219.95 | $186.47 |
Employee and Child(ren) | $1,902.81 | $157.20 |
Family | $3,277.07 | $267.63 |
Plan 3: | ||
Single | $1,030.91 | $61.13 |
Employee and Spouse | $2,164.91 | $131.45 |
Employee and Child(ren) | $1,855.64 | $110.03 |
Family | $3,195.82 | $186.40 |
Plan 4: | ||
Single | $1,004.70 | $34.40 |
Employee and Spouse | $2,109.87 | $75.32 |
Employee and Child(ren) | $1,808.46 | $61.92 |
Family | $3,114.57 | $103.54 |
(d) In 2025, the Employer will contribute a maximum of one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000) toward the cost of any annual premium increase for all Village employees. Any premium increase over one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000) will be paid by employees through payroll deduction. Employees will have an opportunity to switch to any of the offered plans during the open enrollment period.
(e) Dental and Vision Plans. In 2024 and 2025, all employees receiving dental and vision benefits will pay, through payroll deduction, a monthly premium contribution equal to zero percent (0%).
(f) Health Care Task Force. The Employer will continue to utilize a Health Care Task Force comprised of appropriate representatives of the Village administration and Village employees, including representatives of FOP Lodge 57 and IAFF Local 2619. The Health Care Task Force will be expected to study the issues of health care and health care cost containment and formulate recommendations which will be considered by the Employer.
(g) Any permanent full-time employee, who is otherwise eligible to be covered under the group health care plan and who voluntarily withdraws from the above-referenced insurance coverage, shall be paid three hundred dollars ($300.00) per month in lieu of employee plus dependent coverage and one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month in lieu of single coverage. These payments shall be made in equal quarterly installments. These payments will not be made to any person who is otherwise covered under the Employer's policy through a spouse or other family member. No payment can be made under this section until the employee provides proof to
the Finance Director that he or she is covered under another health insurance policy.
(h) The Employer will provide and pay the full premium on a fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) term life insurance policy for each permanent full-time employee. This amount is reduced by thirty-five percent (35%) at age sixty-five (65), fifty percent (50%) at age seventy (70), and one hundred percent (100%) at age seventy-five (75).
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)
` (a) When a full-time employee is injured in the line of duty, while actually working for the Municipality, he or she shall be eligible for paid injury leave not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days which shall not be deducted from any other accumulated compensated absence time, provided such employee files for Workers' Compensation.
(b) Eligibility for injury leave must be approved by that employee's Department Head and the Director of Finance within ten (10) days of processing such employee's Workers' Compensation claim through the Department of Finance. Eligibility and approval of injury leave shall be based, in part, upon such employee's Workers' Compensation claim processed through the Department of Finance, and, if necessary, also based upon a physical examination by a physician appointed by the Municipality resulting in the physician's certification that the employee is unable to work due to the injury. The opinion of the designated physician shall govern whether employee is actually disabled or not, but shall not govern whether the injury was duty related. In the event that the employee seeking eligibility for injury is a Department Head, the procedure for determining eligibility shall be the same as set forth herein above except that approval must be made by the Director of Finance and the Mayor. If the Director of Finance seeks eligibility for injury leave then the procedure for determining eligibility shall be the same as outlined herein above except that approval must be made by the Mayor.
(c) Any limited assignments of duties shall be reviewed each seven (7) calendar days to determine if the employee is capable of resuming normal, unlimited duties and together with on the job injury time, shall not exceed ninety (90) days in duration.
(d) If at the end of the ninety (90) day period, the employee is still disabled, the injury leave may, at the Mayor's discretion, be extended for an additional ninety (90) calendar day period, or any portion thereof. Such decision shall be made at least ten (10) days prior to the end of such period. Said leave may be canceled at an earlier time as provided below:
(1) When an employee is released by his or her physician to return to work;
(2) At such time that the employee is declared capable of performing his or her normal duties by a physician appointed by the Municipality;
(3) If, prior to release for normal duties, it is determined by a physician that the employee is capable of performing limited work assignments, the employee shall immediately report for duty under the conditions set forth in the physician's certificate.
(e) When a permanent, part-time employee is injured in the line of duty, while actually working for the Municipality, he or she shall be eligible for paid injury leave not to exceed seven (7) calendar days. Injury leave paid during this seven (7) day period shall be for regularly scheduled work hours only.
(Ord. 2023-18. Passed 12-4-23.)